Subordination Passive In Psychiatry

Submissiveness Passive in Psychiatry: Study of the Phenomenon and Its Significance

In psychiatry, there are a number of phenomena and symptoms that can be observed in patients with various mental disorders. One of these phenomena is passive submission, which manifests itself in the patient’s lack of resistance to passive movements, changes in posture, or other actions performed on him. This phenomenon is observed in conditions such as catatonia, dementia and hysterical psychosis.

Passive compliance is an interesting area of ​​research because it allows us to better understand the characteristics of mental disorders and their impact on patient behavior. Studying this phenomenon could help psychiatrists and other specialists develop more effective treatment strategies and improve the quality of life for people suffering from these conditions.

One of the most common conditions accompanied by passive submission is catatonia. Catatonia is characterized by disturbances in motor activity, including hyperactivity, rigidity, or passivity. Patients with catatonia may exhibit passive compliance, offering no resistance when trying to change their posture or when performing various movements with them.

Dementia may also be associated with passive compliance. Patients with dementia experience cognitive and developmental impairments that may result in a lack of ability to resist passive activities. This condition requires special attention and a treatment approach aimed at improving cognitive skills and developing independence in patients.

Hysterical psychosis can also manifest itself in passive submission. People suffering from hysterical psychosis may not show resistance when exposed to them, which may be due to their emotional and psychological state.

The study of passive obedience in psychiatry is important, as it allows us to better understand the characteristics of mental disorders and their impact on the behavior of patients. This knowledge can help develop individualized approaches to treatment and rehabilitation, as well as identify more effective strategies to improve patients' quality of life.

It is important to note that passive compliance is not the only symptom or characteristic of mental disorders. It must be considered in the context of other clinical manifestations and associated symptoms. The diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders require an integrated approach and consideration of all the symptoms and characteristics of each individual patient.

In conclusion, passive compliance is one of the phenomena observed in psychiatry in patients with various mental disorders. Its study helps to better understand these disorders and their impact on patient behavior. Findings from research in this area may help develop more effective treatments and support to improve the quality of life for patients suffering from these conditions. However, further research is needed to more fully reveal the mechanisms of passive compliance and its role in psychiatry.

Note: This article provides a description of passive compliance in psychiatry, but it is worth noting that it is not a diagnostic criterion or an independent disease. If you experience any mental health symptoms or problems, you should contact a qualified health care professional for professional advice and diagnosis.

**Submission in psychiatry** is the ability to control one’s behavior and respond to external environmental influences without making exceptions from the main flow of actions and without making refusals. But what can be called **Passive Subordination?** This is a kind of withdrawal from reality, dependence on external factors, when mentally ill people are completely absorbed in the thought process, actions are performed as those around them want it.