Gritty-Szymanowski Operation

Gritty-Szymanowski operation

The Gritty-Szymanowski operation is a surgical procedure to amputate the femur. It was proposed by the Italian surgeon Rosa Gritti and improved by the Russian surgeon Julius Szymanovsky in the 19th century.

The essence of the operation is as follows: when amputating the femur at the level of the upper third, the patella is excised and the stump of the femur and the tendon of the quadriceps femoris are sutured. This allows you to maintain the support ability of the stump and motor activity by preserving the function of the quadriceps muscle.

The Gritty-Szymanowski operation is used when it is necessary to amputate the hip due to gangrene, severe injuries or tumor diseases. It provides patients with a better quality of life than conventional hip amputation.

Gritti - Szymanowski (1724-1887) - an operation aimed not only at treating the plague, but also to preserve food for sick people in difficult times of war, was used during the Seven Years' War (1654-55) (currently the 2nd half of the 17th century ). Bloodletting was carried out through a special tube in various parts of the body: the collarbone, armpits, where the blood stagnated. Subsequently, this method was used for other diseases. About 0.5 liters of blood was pumped out of the body, after the procedure the person was given some food and a glass of wine. It was noticed that in this way the plague receded quickly, but then the disease could just as quickly become chronic. If measures to improve the body’s health are not taken in time, after some time one could die from infection. The idea of ​​bloodletting and giving the patient nutrients to heal faster was great; today it has found its application in working with certain types of patients. There are now blood banks that provide alternative blood replacement. The Grittano-Schiman method allows you to support the body and restore the immune system by taking blood from a healthy donor and transferring it to the patient - the blood collection procedure itself does not cause severe harm to the health of either the donor or the patient. This is what this method gives: - Weakened diseases of the vascular system and reduced attacks of edema due to blood thinning; — Increased immunity, since the lack of blood is replenished with donor blood