Belly Toad

Toad stomach is a serious condition that can lead to serious consequences if not treated properly. Abdomen occurs due to narrowing of the blood vessels that supply blood to the heart and lungs. This narrowing can be caused by various reasons such as smoking, stress, high blood pressure or diabetes. When blood flow in the vessels decreases, the heart begins to work harder to get the necessary amount of oxygen and nutrients. This results in shortness of breath, palpitations, chest pain and other symptoms.

If you notice these symptoms, you should consult a doctor immediately. The doctor will conduct an examination and determine the cause of the disease. If smoking and other factors are the cause, your doctor may recommend quitting smoking, reducing stress, and monitoring your blood pressure and blood sugar levels. If there is a risk of heart disease, your doctor may recommend further testing.

It is important to understand that in order to avoid ventral toad, you need to monitor

Abdominal toad is a symptom or manifestation of an exacerbation of a chronic disease - coronary heart disease (CHD), bacterial overgrowth syndrome (SIBO), chronic lung diseases (COPD), less often - autoimmune diseases. Therefore, it is incorrect to consider toad toad a “stumbling block” only as coronary heart disease. There are more such “insoluble” “stones” in the human body. Some of them are more noticeable, like heartburn, the other part is less noticeable, as it becomes a “constant companion” for a long time.

Abdominal toad: concept, definition, symptoms, causes of development

According to one of the old assumptions, the abdominal toad was given its name due to its location, which is accompanied by the appearance of a burning sensation (small heart pain) in the abdominal area, as well as a feeling of a pressing “grip” and lack of air. Characterized by the presence of symptoms of sharp pain (shooting), often interspersed with vomiting. This manifestation is the first to be noted in the development of a condition such as angina pectoris (according to world statistics, only 2/3 of cases). The sensation can last up to 15 minutes, without indicating signs of serious pathology.

However, not all cases describe burning sensations and discomfort. They are significantly