
Dengue fever is a dangerous disease that is caused by a virus and can lead to serious consequences. One of the main causes of an outbreak of dengue fever is the infection of mosquito vectors with the infectious agent: the DENV virus, short for Dengue virus. The virus actively multiplies in the body of a mosquito (especially male and female), while the host does not show symptoms of infection. Once recovered, the mosquito becomes a lifelong carrier of the virus, as it does not have fever, chills or other signs of illness. Once in the blood of the victim, the virus carrier continues to coexist peacefully, transmitting the pathogen to a new host. Most often, people who are bitten by a sick mosquito become infected. And the incidence rate approximately triples every year. The disease has several common manifestations, so it is very important to know the main signs - at the first symptoms, immediately call a doctor. The most common symptoms include: muscle pain; headache; blurred vision; weakness; fever; darkening of urine; the appearance of a rash; vomiting and diarrhea. During the 2014-2015 influenza epidemics in Central Asia, more than 124 million cases were reported annually, mostly among young children.