
A trolley lift is a mechanical device that is used to transfer patients from beds, operating rooms and dressing tables and transport them within a medical institution. It is a trolley equipped with a mobile platform with adjustable lifting height, tilt and lateral shift.

The trolley lift is an important tool for medical workers, especially in conditions where the patient is in serious condition and cannot move independently. Thanks to its design, the trolley lift can be easily and quickly used to move a patient, which significantly saves the time and effort of medical personnel.

When using a cart lift, the healthcare provider must ensure that the patient is securely secured to the cart using seat belts. In addition, care must be taken to ensure that the platform is installed at the correct height and does not exceed the permissible limits.

One of the main advantages of a trolley lift is its versatility. It can be used to move patients in both horizontal and vertical positions, which allows you to effectively solve various problems. For example, when transporting a patient for surgery or dressing, a trolley lift can be used to fix him in the desired position.

In addition, the trolley lift is highly reliable and durable. It is made from high quality materials, which guarantees its strength and resistance to mechanical damage.

In general, the trolley lift is an indispensable tool in the work of medical workers. It helps save time, effort and resources, and also ensures safety and comfort for patients.

A trolley lift is a mechanical device that is used to move a patient from a bed or operating table within a medical facility. This mechanism is a trolley that has a movable platform that allows you to adjust the lifting height, tilt and lateral shift.

The trolley lift is used to transport the patient to or from the ward, as well as to transfer him to the operating table or dressing table. This device can significantly simplify the work of medical personnel and increase the efficiency of treatment.

It is important to note that cart lifts must be properly installed and adjusted to ensure patient safety. Before using this mechanism, you must ensure that it is in good condition and meets safety requirements.