Curled and extra eyelashes

Treatment of such gaps comes down to one of the following five methods: gluing, cauterization, correction with a needle, shortening the eyelid by cutting off and precautionary plucking. The purpose of gluing is to lift and straighten the eyelashes with mastic, pine resin, acacia gum, mistletoe, usshak, glue extracted from the inside of the snail, sabur, anzarut, tragacanth and frankincense diluted with egg white. Good adhesives include Chinese butter, and even better, cheese glue, as we talked about in the Pharmacopoeia.

Treatment with a needle consists of piercing the eyelid near the hair from the inside to the outside, then inserting the eyelash into the eye, pulling it out and securing it. If it is difficult to insert an eyelash into the eye of a needle, then two ends of a woman’s hair are passed through it and the needle with hair is pulled out so that a loop is formed on the inside, the eyelash is inserted into it and thus pulled out. If you have to repeat passing the needle, then choose a different place, because repeatedly passing the needle through the same hole widens it too much and does not hold the eyelash.

Cutting means that the place where the eyelashes grow must be taken away. Some doctors prescribe cutting a place known as ijjana, which is a place near the edge of the eyelid. Then it heals and, undoubtedly, wild meat grows here; this straightens the eyelashes and prevents them from curling. As for cauterization, the best type is done with a needle that has a curved end. It is heated, the eyelid is pulled back and the place where the eyelash grows is cauterized, and it no longer appears. Sometimes it is necessary to repeat this two or three times, then it will never appear again.

Preventative plucking consists of plucking the eyelashes and then applying in their place medications that prevent hair growth, especially those that are indicated for the eyelid in the sections of the Book of Simple Medicines and which we will name in relation to excess eyelashes.

Extra eyelashes. They are formed from the abundance of rotten moisture accumulating in the eyelids.

Treatment. The treatment consists of cleansing the body, head and eyes using methods that you already know. Then use sharp eyelid cleansing medicines, such as basilikun, rushnai, red hot ointment, green hot ointment and myrobalan ointment, especially if there is lacrimation or signs associated with juices. If this is not enough, then use plucking treatment. Pluck your eyelashes and anoint the place where they grew with the blood of a hedgehog, its bile, the bile of a chameleon, an eagle and a goat. Sometimes these types of bile and blood are mixed with beaver stream and an ointment is prepared from them in the form of fish scales, which are consumed as needed, diluting them with human saliva. Whoever uses this remedy should leave it on the sore spot for half an hour.

Good methods of treatment include making cakes from hedgehog, chameleon and beaver bile, taken in equal parts and mixed with pigeon blood.

Among the remedies that are described are the blood of ticks, especially dog ​​ticks, and the blood of frogs, but experience does not confirm their effectiveness. According to some, it is more correct to mix it with kitran. The remedies described include the use of eagle gall with ash, ammonia, or squeezed leek juice, especially if held in a brazier over the fire until mixed. If you take shell ash, it's even better. The best thing is rusty iron filings with human saliva, although it hurts. Remedies that have been tested include wood grinder with ammonia, and especially burnt donkey hoof with strong vinegar. The same is true of sea foam with an infusion of flea plantain, for if in this way the place is devoid of sensitivity and cooled, then the eyelashes will not grow.