
Polyorchidism is a rare congenital disorder of the male reproductive system in which a man has more than two testicles.


Normally, men develop a pair of testicles. Polyorchidism occurs due to a violation of embryonic development during the formation of the reproductive system. In this case, an abnormal division of the gonadal primordium occurs, resulting in the formation of more than two testicles.


Polyorchidism is extremely rare, affecting approximately 1 in 25,000 men. Most often, the presence of three testicles (triorchidism) is observed, less often - four or five.


Extra testicles are usually smaller in size and are located higher or lower than normal ones. They can be located in the scrotum or in the abdominal cavity. The extra testicles often do not function and do not produce sperm. In some men, polyorchidism is asymptomatic and is detected by chance.


The diagnosis is made using ultrasound examination of the scrotum and abdominal cavity. An MRI may also be performed to accurately visualize the accessory testicles.


Treatment of polyorchidism is not required if the additional testicles do not cause pain or discomfort. Surgical removal is indicated when complications such as cysts, tumors or inflammatory diseases occur.

Thus, polyorchidism is a rare congenital condition that requires close monitoring and treatment only if symptoms or complications are present. Timely diagnosis can prevent the development of serious problems in the future.

Polyorchidism is a rare congenital condition characterized by the presence of more than two testicles. This occurs due to an abnormality in the embryonic development of the male gonads.

With polyorchidism, additional testicles are usually located in the scrotum, less often in the abdominal cavity or inguinal canal. They can be of different sizes and degrees of development. Most often, three testicles are observed, less often - four or more testicles.

The extra testicles usually do not function and do not produce sperm. However, in some cases they may be capable of spermatogenesis.

In most patients, polyorchidism is asymptomatic and is discovered incidentally during examination for another reason. Possible symptoms include discomfort and tenderness in the scrotum.

Diagnosis of polyorchidism is based on physical examination and imaging (ultrasound, MRI). Treatment is usually not required. Surgery may be required if complications occur or for cosmetic reasons.

Polyorchidism is a pathology caused by a defect in the development of the reproductive system in men. This rare disease is caused by various causes and has certain symptoms. The definition of “polyorchid” is an anomaly in the form of pathology of the testicles, which are not located inside the groin area. In children, the syndrome develops in the prenatal period; an adult will not be able to pay attention to the signs of this pathology. In most cases, patients do not have symptoms resembling this pathology. When the syndrome is diagnosed in a man aged 7-17 years, complete recovery is possible.

Modern research has revealed the causes of failure of testicular development: injury to the lumbar region, surgery on it; testicular tumor; insufficient amount of testosterone; various deformations of the scrotum during pregnancy or in utero. Serious result