One-day rage fever

Sometimes, due to excessive movement of the pneuma outward during anger, excessive heat arises, and a fever adheres to the pneuma.

Its signs are: redness of the face, unless fear is mixed with anger - then the face turns yellow, as well as swelling, similar to swelling during fever from insomnia; the eyes are red, bulging due to the strong movement of the pneuma outward. Sometimes some people experience trembling from the movement of juice or from weakness of nature; their urine is red, sharp, sensitive, and slightly shiny, the pulse is dense, full, rising, frequent.

Treatment. It consists of calming the sick, who are occupied with entertaining stories, pleasant music, games and strange sights. They are taken to a bathhouse with warm water, not very hot, and they are often rubbed with a lot of oil - this is healthier for them than hot water. They are fed cooling and moisturizing food and wine is completely prohibited - they should not have access to wine at all.