Drunk Gait

The drunken gait is not just one of the many visual manifestations of excessive alcohol consumption, when coordination and balance are impaired. Normally, people, having experienced the influence of ethanol, under the influence of its toxic action, demonstrate a pseudo-weighted gait, which occurs due to a violation of the oculomotor reflex, which in turn leads to a shift in balance according to the “vector snob” type. Sometimes such a gait is so comical that it involuntarily makes others smile. But a sense of humor is not appropriate in this case. As with any damage to the central nervous system, it all depends on the cause that caused hyperkinesia.

The main symptom of a drunken gait is improper distribution of body weight. Patients experience disorders of coordination of movements, as well as balance, symptoms of increased fatigue and absent-mindedness. The patients' gait is shaky and unstable; when walking, the person seems to sway back and forth, swaying from side to side. A drunken gait occurs after alcohol abuse and is one of the symptoms of impaired brain function. A person moves unsteadily, shuffling his feet on the floor - as if someone is pulling