Poisonous Substances with Blistering Effects

Toxic substances of skin-vesicant** action, or OVKND (synonyms: vesicants - from the English vesicant; toxic substances of skin-vesicant** action) are chemical compounds that can cause inflammation and the formation of blisters on the skin (as well as mucous membranes) of living organisms due to its poisonous effect. They are widely used in biological scientific and military research because they are affordable and their action is based on exposure to the skin, which makes them easier to study and use. The article discusses various types of OVKND, their properties, action and application.

Toxic substances of skin-vesicant action are a class of chemical and biological compounds that cause the development of abscesses and ulcers on the skin in humans, as well as inflammatory processes in the body. Agents for skin and blister infections are lewisite, soman, V-gas, mustard gas, and sarin. They strike the respiratory and digestive organs and the nervous system. Vesico-native (vesicant) toxic substances are, first of all, phosphorogenic poisonous gases or paralyzing poisonous and acid and poisonous gases. Poisonous substances that have local abscesses and ulcers effect on the skin, as well as on internal organs Poisonous substance for abscesses: Soman (N,N,N,-triethyl-uridine ethyl-zinc dithiocarbamate) has a rapid effect on the respiratory system and the heart . Vesicant (adamsite) - ethylene tetrochloride, succinic antichlor. Deha-peroxide type Succinic acid. Or as they call a poisonous substance with a rapid stimulant - henbane poison. List of nerve paralysis poisons