Poisonous Substances with Tear Effects

Toxic substances with “tear-acting” action

Toxic lacrimation agents (lacrimation agents) are chemical compounds that cause a change in the chemical composition of the tear fluid, which leads to its excessive release from the body and the formation of profuse lacrimation. They are one of the types of intoxicating substances used in the army, police and intelligence services to suppress the psychophysiological state of the enemy, especially in the case of the use of combat reconnaissance technologies, terrorist acts and during anti-terrorist operations.

In accordance with the International Agreement Prohibiting the Production, Stockpiling, Transport, Export and Use of Chemical Weapons, countries are allowed to use only tear gases because their impact on human health is milder than that of other toxic substances. Lachrymators are used as non-lethal weapons and are unable to destroy or cause serious harm to the health of humans or animals. However, some people and animals may be susceptible to significant psychological and physical harm if they are exposed to lacrimators for longer periods of time or if they are close to the source of the vapor. An example of lachrymator poisoning is exposure to pepper spray and tear granules.

The main toxic substances include the agent "Cheryomukha" - a chemical warfare agent with blister action, as well as the neurostimulating repellent "String", used to protect buildings and people from attacks by wild animals, in particular wolves and stray dogs. Lakrymatir also includes substances from a group of substances with a gonadotropic effect (for example, chlorine and ammonia), which cause reproductive dysfunction. Poisoning with these substances provokes heavy bleeding, quickly leading to pulmonary edema and even cardiac arrest, and subsequently to deep damage to vital organs.

Toxic substances with tear action. (synonyms: lacrimal substances - lacrimal substances)

Poisonous substances of class A SDA are toxic. belong to class I. and are fatal. They are classified as weapons of mass destruction. They are poisonous substances with a suffocating effect.