Benefits of copulation

Good copulation is one that occurs at the proper time and is followed by the removal of excess, lightening the body and preparing the body for further development. It seems that the body, when it is deprived of its last nourishment, seems to be angry, and the nature, in order to compensate for the damage, comes into strong motion, accompanied by a powerful effect on the human condition. The nature is facilitated by the emptying that occurs. Sometimes after copulation, the thoughts overwhelming a person go away, he preserves his vigor, suppresses excessive anger, and calms down. Coitus helps against melancholy and many black bile diseases, giving vigor and expelling smoke accumulated due to semen from the brain and heart. It also helps against pain in the kidneys due to congestion, as well as against all diseases caused by mucus, especially in a person with great natural warmth, which is not reduced by the release of semen.

Copulation also awakens the appetite for food and sometimes opens the matter of tumors that arise in the region of the groins and testicles; Anyone who, when refusing copulation and retaining semen, experiences darkening in the eyes, dizziness, heaviness in the head, pain and swelling in the ureters and loins, moderate copulation cures them. For many people, whose nature requires intercourse, when they refuse it, the body cools down, the general condition worsens and the appetite for food decreases, so that they do not even take food at all and vomit it. Anyone who has a lot of smoky vapors in the body, intercourse gives them relief and benefits, eliminating the harmful retention of smoky vapors that weakens him. Sometimes in men, due to the cessation of copulation, the accumulation of semen, its cooling and transformation into matter with poisonous properties, the semen sends bad poisonous vapors to the heart and brain, just as in women there is “suffocation of the uterus.” The least manifestation of harm from this, before the toxicity of the seed spreads, is heaviness in the body, its coldness and difficulty in moving.