Polyneuritis Infectious

The name "Polyneuritis infectious" speaks for itself. This is damage to nerve fibers. This disease is one of the forms of polyneuropathy, and occurs during a long course of other diseases of an infectious or toxic nature. Localized predominantly in myelinated fibers (motor, sensory and coordination).

The majority of patients with infectious polyneuritis experience symptoms of damage to the nervous system and disruption of its function. In some cases, the main nerve structures are completely or partially affected. When the nerve structures responsible for movement are damaged, the damaged nerve does not perform its function, and a specific picture of the damage occurs. If the problem occurs in a “waking” state, then the pain is described as intense, burning, piercing, it is localized at the site of pinching or compression of the nerve and is limited only to a local area. In other words, such patients cannot indicate a specific location of pain, since there is no direct involvement of the muscle