Stripe (Stria, Pl. Striae)

Stripe (Stria, Plural Striae) - (in anatomy) a stripe, cord or line. For example, pregnancy scars (striae gravidarum) are stripes that appear on the skin of the abdomen of pregnant women due to excessive stretching of the skin. Red or purple during pregnancy, they turn white after birth. The stria terminalis is a strip of white matter that separates the thalamus from the ventricular surface of the caudate nucleus in the brain. Stria (Plural Striae) - (in anatomy) a strip, cord or line. For example, pregnancy scars (striae gravidarum) are stripes that appear on the skin of the abdomen of pregnant women due to excessive stretching of the skin. Red or purple during pregnancy, they turn white after birth. The stria terminalis is a strip of white matter that separates the thalamus from the ventricular surface of the caudate nucleus in the brain.

A striae in anatomy is a stripe, cord or line that can be found in many parts of the body. One of the most common forms of streaks is pregnancy scars. They are lines that appear on the skin of the abdomen in pregnant women, caused by excessive stretching of the skin. These lines may be red or purple and usually disappear after delivery.

Red or purple scars can be caused by excessive stretching or pressure on the skin, causing small blood vessels to rupture and release blood under the skin. After childbirth, the skin returns to its normal state and these lines disappear.

Another example of stripes is the marginal stripe (striae terminalis). It is a strip of white matter that separates the thalamus (part of the brain) from the ventricular surface of the caudate nucleus. The marginal strip can be used to diagnose certain brain diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease.

The stripes can also be found in other parts of the body, such as skin, muscles, bones, etc. Overall, stripes play an important role in human anatomy, helping us better understand the structure and function of our body.

A stripe, or striae (pl. striae), is a strip, cord, line. In anatomy, the term is often used to describe streaks or scars on tissues and organs that can result from various processes such as trauma, inflammation, infection, tumors, or surgery.

For example, during pregnancy, stripes called pregnancy scars (strias gravidarum) appear on the skin of the abdomen of expectant mothers. They occur due to excessive stretching of the abdominal skin associated with the growth of the baby inside the uterus. These stripes are initially reddish or purple in color, but after birth they usually change color to white.

Red or purple pregnancy stripes However, there are other examples. Thus, it may be necessary, for example, to conduct detailed tomography to determine the state of the marginal lines of the brain. This space