Sexual Fold

***The genital fold*** is an anatomical formation on the anterior wall of the vagina, which is formed as a result of the location of the sacrococcygeal muscle on the right and left sides of the body. The genital fold occupies most of the vaginal wall and, protruding upward, reaches the vaginal vault.

The vagina is located in the pelvic cavity and has the shape of a tube about 8 cm long and about 2.5 cm in diameter. However, when the canal is completely filled, the length of the vagina can reach 16 cm, and its lumen increases to 2 cm. In the normal state, the cervix is ​​located inside the cavity of the small pelvis, but with the help of skeletal muscles it can be turned down to the level of the labia majora. If the muscles of the abdominal wall are relaxed, then the vaginal wall stretches like a rubber membrane, the muscles are tense, and the cervix moves towards the arch. When straining, the wall of the bladder, together with the vagina, moves upward, which leads to the formation of a bulge between the anterolateral surfaces of the urethra and the anterior wall