Rose-Nylene Symptom

rose-nylenasymptom (E. Rose, 1856-1920, American surgeon); rosin symptom (O. Mison, 1905, French surgeon) - the presence in the period of early exudation of erysipelas of significant magnitude and persistence of edema of the upper limb above the elbow, creating characteristic conditions for studying the ulnar nerve and vessels of this area in the case of an ongoing process. The symptom is not diagnostic, but only auxiliary.

Definition and clinical picture of the disease

Symptoms of the disease **Rose-Nysen symptom,** also known as Minkowski-Hound syndrome, is a rare genetic disease associated with changes in genesis on the X chromosome. This disorder is characterized by a set of abnormalities that affect the circulatory, connective and nervous systems. The main symptom is cardiomyopathy.

There are 2 theories as to the cause of this syndrome. The first theory names heredity as the cause of the appearance of the hereditary form of the symptom. The second indicates somatic mutations.

Despite the high prevalence of the symptom complex, there is a big difference between individuals. There are diagnoses with a pronounced clinical picture and with insignificant manifestation of clinical symptoms. The exception is somatic dysplasia.

There are a number of signs that can lead to a definitive diagnosis. But it is worth noting that the age of patients diagnosed with Rose-Neisen significantly exceeds the age of onset of the primary form of this disease. That is, symptoms of the disease can be detected in people in adulthood. This symptom is so called thanks to two patients: R. Rose (Rose) 08/14/1851-12/09/1940; E. Naegele 03/31/1730-04/29/1810. Over 5 years (1899/1904), researchers found that it was found in 83 people of different genders and ages. Patients with this syndrome experienced similar changes in the heart and valves. Since such a change occurred in many age groups, scientists concluded that the disease had a genetic origin. To date, more than 20 families with Rose-Nysen syndrome have been studied, most of them are of German nationality. Before reaching reproductive age, 40% of patients die. During this period, even after heart surgery, patients still have a 50% chance of death. Among men, the mortality rate (impairment) is, unfortunately, higher. Life expectancy in the future can be quite high, subject to immediate treatment and rehabilitation.

Rose-Nyren symptom is a sign of deep venous thrombosis (deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in the presence of also damage to the valvular apparatus of the deep veins, which is manifested by a feeling of fullness, heaviness in the legs, intensifying in the evening, as well as pain in the arteries of the feet, swelling ecchymosis or bright hyperemia on the ankle. This symptom is fully consistent with functional examination methods. Since it is considered reliable and specific for establishing the diagnosis of VUM occlusion. This method is most often used in the diagnosis of pulmonary embolism (PE) in patients in emergency conditions when invasive diagnostic procedures are used. The specificity of the method is assessed by a vascular surgeon.

When diagnosing Rose-Nairen DVT, the symptom is considered the decisive method for verifying the diagnosis. Also, this symptom can be used at the stages of patient management until the threat of pulmonary embolism is eliminated.

When to see a doctor: DVT; TELA; taking oral anticoagulants, with suspicion of using these drugs to prevent thrombotic complications in patients in the postpartum period; the presence of a high level of D-dimer in the patient’s blood, in which there is a suspicion of PE: this is a condition that poses a great danger to the patient’s life if present.