Sexual Development Premature

Comprehensive sex education is one of the most pressing issues of our time. Especially when we are talking about teenagers who have entered puberty and are developing faster than normal. Not all parents know what actions to take to prevent premature puberty and how to cope if it has already occurred, as well as to balance the development of a teenager’s personality.

**Premature sexual development is the acceleration of the development of the genital organs of a child under the age of 9 years or after 13 years.** In addition to these limitations, disturbances in the formation of follicles in the ovaries, increased levels of androgens in the blood, and decreased sensitivity to gonadotropin can lead to pathological development. Prematurely ripened genitals can cause serious mental problems, infertility, and problems with reproductive function in the future. Therefore, it is very important that parents contact a specialist in time and begin to take treatment measures.

It is necessary to start it in early childhood and continue this process until the teenager is completely ready for sexual activity. But how can you understand that a child has entered the stage of puberty?

It’s very simple - you need to pay attention to the characteristic signs, the manifestation of which can be noticed starting from 1 year. This is increased hair growth, excess hair growth on the pubic area, buttocks, under the arms and lower abdomen. Another important symptom is increased nail growth. If they begin to grow longer than usual, then you should pay attention to this. Until the toddler's first teeth