Hemisphere Dominant

The dominant hemisphere is the part of the human brain that is responsible for various processes in the body - motor skills, attention, coordination of movement, orientation in space, speech, etc. This part of the brain also determines preferences for hand action.

According to neuroscience research, most of the population is left-brain dominant (25% right-handed, 25% left-handed). This is believed to be due to genetic factors. People with a dominant right hemisphere of the brain actively use their creativity and creative abilities. They are often good artists, composers, designers. Such people have empathy and openness. The left hemisphere is usually responsible for logical thinking and analytical perception of information. People with such a dominant hemisphere devote more time to verbal communication, discourse, and some intellectual pursuits. At the same time, left-dominant people are excellent at working with their hands - assembling Legos, parts, doing woodwork, creating sculptures.

The dominant hemisphere in any person can play an important role in his life. Much of the way we write, speak, communicate with people, and think is built on the basis of the properties of the dominant hemisphere. It controls the functions of the midbrain and the two pyramidal tracts of the brain. This happens due to the fact that it is more developed. In addition, any action associated with movement is most often the work of the left half of the cerebrum. But we also have a mirror center in each hemisphere, which helps you make the right decision and change your mind under the influence of yours or someone else’s influence. Usually our gaze is directed at the world by the side that we prefer to use.

The right hemisphere is responsible for musical perception, aesthetic creativity, holistic perception, and also helps us act as a connecting link between several people. The functions of sound perception, movement, balance, speed, sense of rhythm and orientation in space occupy the right half of our cerebrum. You can also add that the image on the left is a more accurate diagram. That part of our brain is associated with language and writing, emotions and sexual behavior, hearing, and abstract logical thinking. They are classified as logical, analytical and reasoning functions.

Each person has his own predisposition to the functioning of these particular parts of the brain, but we can say that all people are divided according to these indicators within their normal limits. Any development of each person improves his competitiveness and quality of life in general, so improving your mental health needs to be taken care of with special attention. To know what your friend is drawn to