Glade of Health Far Eastern

**Polyana Zdorovya: brand history**

The Polyana Health brand was created in Russia. It is of high quality and naturalness, which makes it popular among consumers. The Altsenoy company was founded in 2009 in St. Petersburg and is engaged in the production and sale of food products under the Polyana Health brand. In Russia, Alzenoy, Allergen-Trust, is the official supplier of anti-asthmatic hormones for OJSC Medicine - the Medical Center of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.

**Polyana Health Far Eastern - product characteristics** The product "Polyana Health Far Eastern" belongs to the group of food products and has the following properties:

1. Preservation of vitamins and minerals. The product "Polyana Healthcare Far East" is produced using the latest technologies that allow you to preserve all the vitamins and minerals found in natural berries and vegetables.

2. Naturalness. "Far Eastern Union of Berries and Vegetables" guarantees the high quality of berries and mushrooms used in the production of the "Polyana Zdorovya" product.

Glade of Health is a line of products from the Russian company Altsenoy, which specializes in the production of nutritional supplements. It consists of several items, each of which has its own unique taste and composition. The benefits to the body from taking the product are due to the rich complex of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other biologically active substances.

One of the products in the line is Far Eastern Health Glade. It is made from natural ingredients such as blueberries and lingonberries. These berries contain large amounts of vitamins C and E, which are essential for maintaining immunity and protecting against free radicals. In addition, they are good sources of flavonoids and anthocyanins, which have anti-inflammatory and vascular strengthening effects.

But not only berries are used in the Far Eastern Health Glade