Diarrhea and all its types and causes

Know that all diarrhea occurs either due to food, nutrients and the surrounding air, or it depends on various organs. Let's talk first about diarrhea due to organs. Diarrhea depending on the organs is either from the stomach, or from the mesentery, or from the liver, or from the spleen, or from the intestines, or from the head and the whole body, and all these types have some common causes. Diarrhea may follow a disorder of nature, which weakens the retaining or digestive or expelling force, or strengthens the expelling force; any such disorder is either a simple disorder of nature, or a disorder of nature in the presence of matter that gets stuck in the intestines or sticks to their surface. The cause of diarrhea can also be a disease of the instrument: a bruise, an ulcer or a rupture.

We have already finished with diarrhea depending on the liver and mentioned what happens due to various disorders of its nature, tumors, blockages and other things, we also mentioned what happens due to the vessels of the mesentery. As for diarrhea that depends on the brain, this is the kind of diarrhea that occurs when discharges descend from the brain into the stomach and intestines and spoil the nutrient: they force it to descend, and discharges! and they themselves descend due to their slipperiness and the shocks of the expelling force. In stomach-dependent diarrhea, the substance is not always undigested; on the contrary, it is sometimes slightly overcooked and sometimes undigested. The reason for this is the weakness of the holding power of the stomach, which is then unable to retain food until it is digested. Sometimes food is not digested and the stomach cannot send it to the intestines and remove it gradually; this most often happens with weakness, depending on the cold nature, but it also happens with a hot, wet or dry nature. Anyone who thinks that all this depends only on mucus and nothing else and comes from a cold and damp nature is mistaken, although this is exactly what happens in the vast majority of cases, and it is this disorder, which, when prolonged, leads to dropsy; in general, such a disease is difficult to treat once it has become established.

Often the cause of diarrhea is the residual strength of laxative drugs that adhere to the surface of the intestines and stomach and to the mouths of the vessels of the stomach and intestines; at the same time, diarrhea often remains periodic and often leads to malignant abrasions and ulcers. This type of gastric diarrhea is sometimes due to weakness of digestion, which spoils and encourages the expulsion of food, and sometimes it occurs due to the slipperiness of the stomach due to some liquids that do not allow the food to remain in the stomach until completely digested. This is not really beyond what we mentioned earlier, and we have highlighted it for the sake of warning. This disease most often leads to dropsy. Hippocrates considers his sour belching to be praiseworthy, for it indicates a rise in heat that forms some steam, although this heat did not become perfect after it was dead; in addition, acid sometimes tears away juices and tans the stomach, giving rise to some ability to retain food; Thus, belching is praiseworthy both as a sign and as a cause. Sometimes such slipperiness depends on ulcers in the stomach or in the intestines adjacent to it, with which the stomach is involved in the disease due to pain or irritation from the ulcers. In the stomach itself, this rarely happens.

Sometimes gastric diarrhea and the slipperiness of the stomach arise from bad juices contained in the stomach, which pour into it from the body, spoil the food, even if it is good in substance, and force it to be vomited out of the stomach and down into the intestines; if the upper region of the body is stronger, then food does not rush there and comes out not when vomiting, but when weakening. Sometimes the excretion of such juices occurs not because they spoil the food and force the stomach to vomit it, but because there is something unpleasant for the stomach in the food and the stomach expels these juices along with the food that they accompany. Or the juices have an inherent power that laxes or causes slipperiness or abrasions in the intestines; This is how the abundant outpouring of black bile at the mouth of the stomach acts - and this becomes the cause of gastric diarrhea. Sometimes this happens as a result of swelling or bloating, which arises and spoils the food, and what we have already mentioned occurs. Often, the slipperiness of the intestines does not arise for any other reason, but only from the food eaten, and, moreover, not from the quality, but from its quantity: if the food is too abundant and overcomes the holding force, it comes out the same as it entered. Gastric diarrhea sometimes occurs because food has spoiled due to abundance or, conversely, small quantity; as you already know, or due to the incorrect order of the dishes, following one after another. Gastric diarrhea also occurs due to pain in the stomach and neighboring organs, which causes weakness of the holding force; such pains occur either from the winds, or from tumors, or from the disorder of a discordant nature, and all this either takes place in the stomach or passes from organs adjacent to it.

Diarrhea depending on the spleen occurs either due to the power of its expelling force and the abundance of black bile, or due to its shrinkage or hardening, or due to the resorption of matter or the opening of a tumor.

As for intestinal diarrhea, we will first mention diarrhea due to disease of the five upper intestines and say: with diarrhea due to the intestines, either there are abrasions or there are none. An abrasion is suffering due to the stripping of the surface of the intestines; the stripping cause is yellow gall matter, acute bloody, thick-purulent, liquid-purulent, or thick-like matter, which rushes from the intestines themselves or from the organs located above. We have already spoken exhaustively about this type of hepatic diarrhea; Diarrhea due to liver swelling is safer than diarrhea due to liver weakness and is more treatable.

Abrasions and diarrhea depending on the spleen, as well as bilious, purulent and that which occurs from ulcers in the stomach and esophagus - all of them belong to the category of those in which matter rushes into the intestines, but we are not talking about them now, but about diarrhea, depending on the intestines themselves. Such diarrhea occurs either from a tumor in the intestines, or from burning bile, or from blood pouring out from a very hot liver, or from rupture of blood vessels in the upper or lower intestines, or from a laxative medicine that has injured the intestines, for example, from the pulp of coloquinta, or from ulcers and ulcers accompanied by rotting and corroding, or from ulcers without rotting and corroding, or from clean ulcers, or from dirty ulcers. Such ulcers occur either in the large intestines - they are safer, or in the small intestines - and then they are more severe, especially ulcers in the jejunum. It seems that the ulcers in it cannot be healed, let alone ruptured, due to the abundance of vessels in it and their significant size, as well as the thinness of its body and the outpouring of pure bile into it from the gallbladder without any admixture of other juice. and Damage to it is very disastrous due to its proximity to the dominant organ, that is, the liver; no intestine lies closer to it than the lean one, and the medicine does not stop in it, but slips out of it. Ulcers in the intestines are formed as a result of abrasions from feces, due to the pungency of bile or the salinity of some juice, or because the juice sticks to the intestines due to its stickiness and, being torn off, injures the intestines, or due to the opening of a tumor or the removal of various substances of all species that damage the intestines when passing through them.

Diarrhea from abrasions caused by black bile, which occurs from the beginning of the disease, is deadly, because it indicates putrefactive cancer, and diarrhea at the end of fevers is also very destructive, even if it is not from abrasions, but for now black bile diarrhea, especially if the excrement is boiling on the ground and have a sour smell. Even if the patient’s strength is preserved, and even if they are unharmed, then with this kind of black bile diarrhea, the person suffering from it is not healed. If the stool does not have this special property, does not boil on the ground and does not have a sour smell, then it is an excess of black bile, which is expelled by nature, and with it one can hope for recovery. An ulcer sometimes begins as a consequence of a tumor, and sometimes it is formed from something scratching and tearing, such as a laxative drug or a sticky nutrient that sticks and then comes off, scratching and tearing the intestines, or from a hard substance that scrapes the intestines as it passes. . Sometimes ulcers are formed due to juices that are excreted and ulcerate. The time limit for the onset of an ulcer of biliary diarrhea is two weeks, from juices with the properties of bavrac - a month, from black gall - forty days or more. Often the intestines of a person suffering from ulcers are perforated, and he most often dies. Sometimes one of these patients turns out to be strong and lives for some time, and feces accumulate in his stomach and it swells, like dropsy, and then the patient dies. In most cases, if the ulcer reaches the point where it wounds a significant part of the intestinal substance, leads to decay, loss of strength due to the complicity of the stomach and death, then what can we say if it causes perforation, especially in the upper intestines!

Some doctors say that sometimes one of the lower intestines is perforated in a person, then the abdominal wall of the abdomen is perforated due to a tumor in the abdominal wall that has arisen opposite the opening in the intestine as a result of complicity in rotting and damage, and the abdomen also breaks through in this place, so the feces come out of the hole, but the person still lives. Such a case, although it falls within the realm of the possible and relates to what is possible, is still far from probable. It is even more incredible for a person to live if feces are poured into his abdominal cavity. They say that when there is a perforation of the intestines and stomach against the jejunum, hunger does not calm down and nothing is kept in the stomach. The sufferer loses weight, his stomach swells, and he dies.

Types of abrasions: bloody, ichorous, purulent, bile, film, mucous, foamy, scaly. Biliary abrasions are benign and can be cured. They often occur during acute illnesses and fevers - burning and three-day fevers; bilious diarrhea often marks their crisis. Purulent abrasions, if they are purulent from the very beginning, sometimes arise as a result of tearing off ulcers or tumors in the insides, and nature drives pus into the intestines. These abrasions are more benign and are not actually intestinal abrasions, but they often lead to intestinal abrasions and ultimately cause intestinal damage. Often such abrasions are followed by indomitable purulent diarrhea, and in most cases the discharge is ichorous and purulent, and sometimes blood is mixed with it. Or this is not the cause of the abrasion, and there is no mature tumor in the internal organs that has ruptured. Then the abrasion was formed from putrefactive cancer in the viscera, and there is no cure for this, since it often experiences tremors and is rarely at rest, and also due to the severity of the disease as such.

As for ichorous abrasions, they occur either from melting or due to the leakage of ichor from a tumor that is on the way to ripening; Most of these abrasions are not intestinal. Diarrhea from blood abrasions begins either suddenly or occurs little by little; in the first case, the cause is the opening of a vessel or the disintegration of a single one. If this is not accompanied by any pain, it means that the bleeding is not from the intestines, but from other insides, especially when other signs are combined with this. Bleeding from the intestines sometimes also occurs without pain if it occurs due to the opening of the mouths of the intestinal vessels in the absence of another cause; such bleeding is safer. If the winter is dry, “northern”, and is followed by a rainy, “southern” spring and rainy summer, then bloody diarrhea becomes more frequent; the same thing happens if the winter is “southern” and the summer is “northern”, with little rain, especially in a body with a damp nature and in the body of women. When a stuffy and damp summer comes after a “northern” spring and a “southern” winter, bloody diarrhea and abrasions in the intestines become more frequent, and the reason for this is the abundance of catarrhs. Bloody diarrhea often becomes more frequent in southern countries when south winds blow and there is a lot of rain, as they move the juices and relax the pores, especially after salty discharges. Bloody diarrhea, which occurs after relief from bile and after bile abrasions and is accompanied by pain, is more malignant, especially if films appear first, and then pure blood; this indicates that the disease has penetrated deeply into the body of the intestines.

As for film abrasions, they come from some abrasion on the surface of the intestines, and the mucous membranes are formed from thick moisture; mucous disorder often occurs with combined fevers and with one type of fever, which we will mention in its place, as well as with one of the types of pestilence fevers. Foamy diarrhea most often occurs during pestilence fevers.

Sometimes, as a result of ulcers, there are films in the stomach, and they come out in the stool, but there is no pain, and if there is pain, it means that the films are peeling off from the membranes of the intestines themselves; Damage to the large intestines is always indicated by the thickness of the film and most often their size, while damage to the small intestines is indicated by the opposite signs. These films come out during bowel movements, and most of them come out during rinsing enemas. Hippocrates says: “Old black gall diarrhea is incurable,” and he says: “When what is excreted from below looks like water and then becomes like a thick ointment, this is not good. When diarrhea occurs after dropsy, especially after dropsy due to a tumor of the liver, this is not good , especially diarrhea that does not remove aqueous humor, but other juices, and does not stop.” He also says: “Any diarrhea that occurs suddenly after an illness indicates imminent death.” And he also says: “Sometimes with dropsy there is diarrhea, which does not stop, but does not bring any benefit, since it does not remove water, but removes juices, thereby weakening the body; sometimes abrasions and ulcers in the intestines lead to dropsy. If the patient pain in the intestines is accompanied by cusaz, hiccups and confusion, this indicates imminent death." A book recovered from the tomb of Hippocrates says: “Anyone who suffers from dysentery and who has something black behind his left ear, similar to a grain of vetch, and is overcome by intense thirst, will die within twenty days; his death He will not tarry, and he will not be saved."

Know that severe fever, indicating a large tumor, as well as a decrease in appetite, indicating the dying of the strength inherent in the mouth of the stomach, and black bowel movements with intestinal ulcers are all not good. As for diarrhea depending on the intestines, when there is no blood or abrasions and there is no cause coming from above, it has in common with the slipperiness of the stomach as regards the causes, but diarrhea due to the melting of ulcers in the intestines occurs more often than from the melting of ulcers in the stomach, and It even seems to only happen in the intestines. If these are ulcers like kula and if the matter that forms them does not stop pouring into the intestines, this will certainly lead to bloody abrasions and severe bloody diarrhea. What is also common here is the reason for the constant action of the power of the laxative drug on the mouths of the vessels in the intestines and on their surface, which consequently weakens. With diarrhea resulting from weakness of the intestines and stomach - such stools are called abdominal matter - the most common cause is weakness, ulcers and melting of their juices. Sometimes some of the blood poured into the stomach freezes; this is indicated by a sudden coldness of the extremities, bloating of the abdomen, a drop in pulse and the transition to fainting.

As for diarrhea, which depends on the rectum, and this is the sixth intestine, such diarrhea sometimes occurs with pain and is then called zahir - and zahir is a cramping and raw pain in the rectum - but it also happens without pain. The cause of zahir is either a hot tumor from which something flows, or a hard tumor, or winds, or relaxation of the muscle, in which the rectum prolapses, or the resulting spasms and kuzas, which do not allow the muscle that retains feces to carry out its action. Either the cause of zahir is excess, salty or with the properties of bavrak, or thick chyme, or bile mixed with chyme, or a consequence of dysentery, or cold that has affected this organ, or sitting for a long time on something hard, or the thickness or density of the excreted feces, or sharp juices, or fistulas or kidney bumps or cracks, or ulcers, or corrosion, or feces retained in the rectum.

Most often, when zahir occurs, it is from mucous juice, which, being at first slimy, then becomes filmy and then turns into blood spots. Sometimes with zahir something like a stone comes out, as one of the doctors says, but Galen considers this incredible. Most often, when zahir occurs, it occurs in people with rotten mucus in their intestines. Due to the putrefaction of this mucus, its effect is manifested in the rectum, when the mucus passes through it every now and then, and besides, it is viscous, sticky and irritating; Sometimes it seems to the patient that there is salt scattered in his anus, because such mucus has the properties of bavrak. Zahir is easiest to cure if it does not follow dysentery and is not caused by dysentery.

Quite often, tension or tension occurs in the anus and rectum. When stretched, the muscle of the rectum is unable to retain what comes into it, whereas, if cousia occurs, it cannot bring down to itself what is above. Diarrhea, depending on the anus, without pain, is only bloody, not otherwise; most often it occurs due to the fact that nature drives out of the body excesses that have accumulated in the body due to the causes that create excesses, that is, food, retention of normal discharges, removal of any member, cessation of physical exercise, and so on, which is mentioned in its place. Such diarrhea should not be delayed unless there is fear of a drop in pulse and strength.

These are the types of discharge in zahir, which depends on the intestines. As for the discharges that depend on the whole body, they occur either during a crisis and as a result of the power of the expelling force, or from a drop in the restraining force, as happens in an alarmed and frightened person or in someone suffering from consumption and tabes at the end of his life, or from melting. The stools are at first liquid, then they become dense, hunger and pain intensify, but then the appetite drops, strength decreases and fevers arise; Often there is nausea, difficulty urinating, wind, rumbling; In this case, there is a gray complexion, cold extremities and dry tongue. Or similar discharges occur as a result of the transition of juices into a bad state due to malignant fevers or harmful poisons, or due to the expulsion of matter during severe overflow from already known causes, that is, neglect of evacuation, retention of various discharges, removal of any member, cessation physical exercise, slight secretion of juices from the body through the pores and other things that you know; this also happens due to the accumulation of repeated, numerous indigestion, in which diarrhea returns in the form of an acute illness - this is one of the cases of Haida, or due to the impossibility of passing nutrients due to blockages in the vessels and other things.

As for Haida, it is the movement of bad, undigested substances, constantly entering the intestines, striving to be removed from the body under the sharp and brutal action of an expelling force. After all, if nutrients are not digested well, they turn into juices unsuitable for the body, and the nature comes into motion and expels these juices, since they burden it, in different directions. Sometimes nature removes them through vomiting of various types - bilious, watery or verdigris-colored, and sometimes through various types of diarrhea. Haida, which occurs from a single spoilage of food in the stomach, is more benign than Haida, which occurs as a result of frequent spoilage, following one from another. Malignant haida begins unnoticed at first, then pains and cramps appear in the abdomen and intestines, which spread and rise to the stomach due to severe irritation of the stomach by hot juices directed towards it; in most cases, vomiting and diarrhea occur simultaneously. Rushing out, these juices carry with them the healthy juices of the body for a reason known to you. Haida begins with diarrhea - bilious, then purely watery, stinking and fetid; then it sometimes turns into diarrhea, similar to the water in which fresh meat was washed, with the smell of fat and a certain amount of films; then Haida leads to relaxation of the pulse, spasm, cold sweat and death.

Haida sufferers experience extreme thirst and every time the patient drinks water and the water warms up in his stomach, he vomits this water; being thirsty is good for them. Often their pulse disappears due to pressure of juices and suffering, as well as due to sudden manifestations of the disease; when these phenomena pass, the pulse returns. For those who are accustomed to Haida, it is not as dangerous as for those who are not accustomed to it, and it occurs more often in children. Haida occurs most often in summer and autumn due to weak digestion at this time of year, but it rarely occurs in winter and spring. Sometimes haida occurs after drinking cold water on an empty stomach or after rough food, and especially when breaking the fast following fasting; Apricots and melons are among the Haida foods. Often when Haida is retained, the ejection of matter is diverted towards the urinary organs and a burning sensation occurs when urinating. As for diarrhea that occurs from the inability to pass food, that is, obstructive diarrhea, this is diarrhea, which is called diarrhea that occurs periodically; it is so named because the clogged vessels are filled with juices for a certain period of time until the overflow becomes unbearable, and then they are emptied again. Between two bowel movements, the person’s condition seems to be healthy; The longest period between attacks is twenty days, but sometimes they come earlier or later for reasons that you know.

We have already mentioned diarrhea due to food once in the paragraph on gastric diarrhea, but it would not be bad if we repeated this and added to the explanation. We say: diarrhea due to food occurs either due to its small quantity, and then it spoils in a hot stomach, as you already know, and nature does not accept it and vomits it out, or due to the abundance of food, which stretches and burdens, and the food is not affected overcooked and spoils. Or this also happens from the heaviness of the food, which sinks undigested, or if it burns, like onions, or has a poisonous power, like mushrooms, or quickly spoils, like milk, or because it is very tender, so that it quickly seeps out and does not lingers near the pylorus, either due to the moisture or viscosity of the food, which slips, or from increased movements after eating, or if they drink a lot of water after eating, which burdens the stomach and causes the food to slip.

Or diarrhea occurs due to the abundance of juices in the stomach, such as mucus, which cause food to slip or wash it away, like yellow bile, or because the food is false, that is, abundant in quantity, but of little nutrition, like vegetables, or due to incorrect order of alternation of dishes, causing food to slip through, if, for example, they take soft, easily digestible and slippable dishes earlier and postpone taking astringent and indigestible substances, or put off taking something that quickly changes, spoiling what is below and prompting the nature to expel food.

As for diarrhea, which depends on the surrounding air, hot air disperses and then dries, and cold air collects and dries; south wind, plenty of rain and staying in southern countries cause diarrhea. Wind often causes diarrhea, upsetting digestion and moving food. Hippocrates says: “Those who burr often have diarrhea,” meaning by “burrers” those who do not pronounce the letter “ra” clearly. The reason here lies in the humidity, which, with the participation of the brain, covers the nerve-rich organs of such patients and their stomach, or it depends on the cause spreading to the brain and other organs. These people should also be carefully induced to relax. Hippocrates says: “Whoever had a soft or strong nature in his youth will have the opposite in old age, and it is not suitable for a person who always had a soft nature in his youth to constantly have such a nature in old age.” Any diarrhea that occurs after a severe illness and comes on suddenly is a sign of imminent death, for it indicates a sudden deterioration of the juices.

When a stomach sufferer, and especially a zahir sufferer, experiences hiccups, this is a bad sign, indicating debilitating dryness of the stomach; If a stomach sufferer is fed, but his pulse does not increase, then do not treat him anymore. When a stomach sufferer dies, his pulse drops and little by little becomes worm-like, and then ant-like, while the patient is still alive and conscious. Then the pulse completely disappears, but the patient lives for some time and only then dies. Know that if a patient is weakened by various substances - bilious, foamy, as well as all sorts of disgusting things, but he does not weaken, then the diarrhea should not be delayed, because this will lead to serious illnesses and bad tumors.

Signs. They say that if the urine during yellow gall fevers is colorless, but other signs are favorable, that is, consciousness is preserved and there is no headache, then you should be wary of abrasions in the intestines. The difference between cerebral and gastric diarrhea is that with gastric diarrhea there is no order in the attacks and there is no exact time when it rises; on the contrary, it arises depending on the violation of the regime. If the digestive power is weak, then the food comes out undigested; if the retaining force is weak, it comes out quickly, and if both the retaining and expelling forces are weak, then the food comes out quickly, but not a lot of it comes out at once, and they defecate often and little by little; most often this happens from the cold. If weakness does not affect the digestive power, then what comes out is not completely undigested, but is digested, depending on the length of time the food remains in the stomach. With diarrhea due to slipperiness due to moisture, liquids are released with feces, and with diarrhea due to slipperiness due to acne and ulcers, signs of ulcers in the stomach are observed, that is, vomiting with scales, pimples in the mouth, pain. Hippocrates said: “Whoever has slippery intestines, vomiting is harmful for him,” but this is a judgment, the basis of which is hidden.

As for cerebral diarrhea, it most often occurs after a long sleep, and the frequency of attacks remains the same. With it, there are signs of outflows and disorders of the nature of the brain. The Strange Book says: “When, due to the slipperiness of the intestines, white pimples, similar to chickpea grains, appear on the ribs, and urine flows in abundance, the patient immediately dies.” As for hepatic diarrhea, we have already mentioned its symptoms in the paragraphs on liver diseases, as well as mesenteric diarrhea, and splenic diarrhea is most often black-billy, as mentioned in the corresponding paragraph, or similar to wine grounds. We have already said what signs there are, good and bad, and we have established its difference from hepatic diarrhea, and also indicated that it occurs with pain in the spleen and with such conditions of this organ that go beyond the limits of nature; all this is said in the paragraphs on diseases of the spleen, as well as in this article and where it talks about substances rushing from the liver. The fact that intestinal diarrhea, whether bloody or not, is indicated by pain and cramping in the intestines. It differs from hepatic diarrhea, as you know, in that the latter occurs more often and has attacks and breaks; each attack is worse than the previous one and the stool is more offensive; The harm from it for plump people is greater, and the signs of liver disorder are more obvious. Know that most attention is paid to pain, cramps and clots. If they are present, the doctor knows that the diarrhea is undoubtedly intestinal, although in their absence it also sometimes comes from the intestines; abrasions and bloody diarrhea, which depend specifically on the intestines, are also indicated by pain and stinging. Often bloody diarrhea occurs as a result of the opening of blood vessels, but with it there are also abrasions if the intestines are ulcerated, and sometimes ulceration occurs first, and then bloody diarrhea follows; Clots and crusts indicate that diarrhea is intestinal. Often, an ulcer in the intestines has the appearance of a kula, and films appear only after a while, but there is slipperiness of the intestines and pain in a certain place; The excreted feces are insignificant in quantity and are released constantly and for a long time. The passage of crusts in the feces in the absence of abrasions indicates that diarrhea depends on the stomach and adjacent organs; This is also indicated by pain in the stomach and the signs given in its place.

Know that clots and crusts are a decisive sign of ulcers in the intestines. If the stool also has a foul odor, this indicates corrosion, and if it has a black and bile stench, then you can be afraid that the ulcer is cancerous. The location of the ulcer or injury and the source of the blood are recognized by the place where it hurts, above or below the navel, and by the severity of the pain, since the pain in the small intestines is strong and the overlying organs are involved in it. They are also recognized by their crusts - whether they are thin or thick, for thick crusts always come from large intestines, and thin ones in most cases from thin ones, and large crusts often come from large intestines, and small ones from thin intestines, and also by the degree of mixing : close mixing of crusts with secretions indicates that the ulcer is in the upper intestines, and crusts separated from them indicate an ulcer in the lower intestines; with ulcers in the lower intestines and anus, blood often comes out before stool. The location of the ulcer is recognized by the time interval between the onset of pain and diarrhea - if this time is longer, then the ulcer is in the small intestines - and by the quality of the feces during the ulcer: if it is chyle similar to meat slop, then the feces come out of the small intestines . A sign is also the stench, because what comes out of the small intestines is more fetid, as well as the degree of pain, since the pain in the small intestines is stronger; The amount of blood that is sometimes released during bowel movements also serves as an indication: if the ulcer is in the small intestines, then the blood is abundant and does not mix with feces as such.

Know that if the disease is an ulcer, and it is chronic, and feces come out in a decent amount, and there is no noticeable pain, then the ulcer is very contaminated. The difference between a contaminated ulcer and a corroded ulcer is that a corroded ulcer hurts more and what comes out is more foul-smelling, blackish in color and less abundant,  while in dirty ulcers the pus is watery, whitish and foul-smelling. If a lot of blood comes out after the films, this indicates that the ulcer has deepened and the disease has intensified, and the membrane has disappeared from the surface of the intestine, and the ulcer has reached the body of the intestine. Such ulcers often form after previous tumors and indicate by pain and other signs, which we will mention later, that tumors are present; They are often formed for other reasons that we have already mentioned. If abrasions occur as a result of the opening of a vessel, then they are preceded by an outpouring of pure blood with some admixture; sometimes there is pain, and sometimes there is no pain. Bleeding often occurs periodically, as happens with hemorrhage not from the intestines, and is preceded by signs of overflow. If the discharge occurs from kidney cones or cancerous tumors in the upper intestines, then it is putrefactive and the blood is black; it is scanty and continuous and often occurs periodically, depending on the overflow and emptying of the body.

If diarrhea occurs due to liquids that are salty or have the properties of bavrac, or are thick and viscous, then this is indicated by their discharge preceding the diarrhea, the appearance of winds and rumbling, as well as the lack of coloration of the stool and the feeling that something has been torn from its place. The pain seems to be persistent and does not go away, at least for a while; there is a feeling of heaviness and mucus is mixed with the films. If diarrhea occurs from yellow bile, which has caused abrasions in the intestines, then this is indicated by the previous secretion of bile and its admixture in the films, if there are films, or in the feces, and the color of the feces intensifies.

The same applies to malignant black bile diarrhea, and benign is indicated by the previous secretion of this kind of black bile and its admixture with what comes out. The discharge may be sour in smell, boiling on the ground, or thick, black, not sour in smell and not boiling; In this case, there is severe lightheadedness, which sometimes leads to fainting. Know that if the cause of abrasions and dysentery still exists and comes out with films, for example, yellow bile, or black bile, or hot blood, or rotten, glassy mucus or dry feces, then the disease is on the way to intensification due to the constant presence of a pathogenic cause . If the cause has ceased, but films, crusts, blood, and the like remain in the stool, then the cause has disappeared, but the effect caused by it and resulting from it remains. Then it is necessary to direct treatment only against him alone. A sign of malignant bloody intestinal diarrhea is that it follows raw pain and constant weakness, then appetite stops and a “turning of the soul” is observed. Intestinal diarrhea causes tearing and scratching of the intestines and often kills the patient. As for diarrhea that occurs suddenly, without significant pain and subsequent loss of appetite and without other signs, it is benign. If diarrhea occurs from the coarseness of the feces, then this is indicated by the quality of the feces and the occurrence of abrasions when passing through it, as well as the soothing of pain when the state of nature is soft. Often what comes out is the squeezed juice that separates from the feces when it thickens and dries out for some reason that dries it out; doctors think it's diarrhea and lock it up, but it's fatal. A sign of this is the complete absence of such discharge when the nature is soft, the combination with them of hard feces and what comes out before it, followed by dry feces, whereas with the previous type of diarrhea, most of the discharge comes out after the feces, causing abrasions.

As for diarrhea from the slipperiness of the intestines, the difference between it and diarrhea from the slipperiness of the stomach is indicated by the low digestion of food; when food descends from the stomach, it does not remain in the intestines, but hurries out. If the cause of such diarrhea is ulcers, this is indicated by raw pain and signs of an ulcer in the discharge; if the cause is viscous mucus, then signs of this are also mucus released during diarrhea, wind and rumbling; with mucous diarrhea, it feels like something heavy is slipping out, and with ulcerative diarrhea, there is pain under the place where the stomach is located. If slipperiness does not depend on ulcers or mucus, but on a disorder of nature, this is indicated by the absence of signs of ulcers and mucus in the discharge. As for diarrhea, which depends on the melting of the whole body, then its sign is the healthy state of the insides, as such, and the absence signs of diseases that cause diarrhea due to them, as well as burning of the whole body, fever, persistent debilitating fever and bowel movements that vary in color, thickness and fetid odor. For diarrhea due to the melting of stool juices! they are purulent, watery, and with diarrhea, due to the melting of fatty meat, thick pus rushes out, as with ulcers, characterized by oiliness and different colors; then it acquires the thickness of fat, and in the stool there is no difference in composition and no wateriness. The situation is the same when meat melts, but the stool is devoid of oiliness and, in the end, has the color of wine grounds.

With diarrhea, depending on excess and overflow, expelled by nature from the body due to the mentioned causes that create excess and overflow, these causes indicate it. It is also indicated by the fact that the excreted substance is blood, unalloyed and pure, coming out in abundance; at once, without pain and does not entail relaxation and weakness, and this happens in attacks. The types of diarrhea during zahir are indicated by the quality, type of discharge and the presence of certain causes such as penetrating cold, sitting on hard surfaces, kidney bumps, cracks and other things; also whether the zahir was preceded by diarrhea and abrasions or not. One of the mistakes in this is that there is retained feces in the intestines, which causes pain and suffering and secretes juice, and the doctor thinks that this juice is a discharge due to zahir. And often films like mucus are released, and it seems that this is mucous zahir, but you should not be deceived by this and should comprehensively study the causes of diarrhea, as you already know.

Ulcers in the rectum and ulcers in the intestines located above are distinguished based on whether the discharge from the rectum has a stench or no stench from them. If a person suffering from ulcers in the intestines and suffering from bloody diarrhea happens to have congealed blood in the stomach, then the signs that we mentioned when talking about the causes of this disease appear, that is, bloating, sudden coldness of the extremities, loss of strength and pulse. And so, if anyone suffering from such a disease experiences any of this, then know that his blood has happened to congeal in his stomach. Know that if black stools resulting from the combustion of juices begin to turn green, it means that nature has begun to improve: the stools first turn green, then turn yellow, and then the diarrhea stops. Know that things like glands are secreted, and doctors think that these are films of the intestinal mucosa. This always happens only with cuttings, but these are by no means films, but excess juices. Know that if a person had diarrhea and was detained, but the patient remains in the same position and his strength does not return, then the reason for this is that his body does not absorb nutrients. Know that if someone gets up to defecate more often during the day than at night, and the urge comes even every time he eats during the day during the hunt, then the reason is the weakness of the liver and the fact that it rejects nutrients. Know that diarrhea, in which sparse feces are excreted and remain dense, often causes severe turmoil.

General measures for treating diarrhea. First of all, I will say: you should remember what is said about the excessive non-mitigating effect of drinking drugs, and read this place simultaneously with this section. And then we will say: diarrhea as such is delayed with astringent drugs, thickening juices and gluing, and sometimes you also have to resort to numbing drugs. Diarrhea is often treated with diuretics and diaphoretics, as well as pore dilatants and emetics: all these drugs move matter in the direction opposite to the bottom of the excretion. If heat is added to the diarrhea, then add more cooling medications or choose cooling ones, and medications that dilate pores and diaphoretics are applied to the body from the outside; if the diarrhea is accompanied by cold, then intoxicants are added to the medicines or intoxicants are selected from them. Most often, intoxicating drinks are needed when the digestive power is weak, and then when there are blockages with viscous juices; They also resort to the help of the medications that were mentioned when talking about stomach weakness. And cooling medications are most often needed if the holding force is weak.

Hot medicines sometimes help to lock up the nature, as they make food pass quickly, and sometimes they drive urine and sweat. Often this is the effect of clean, strong old wine; It happens that a person suffering from diarrhea drinks several cups of such wine one after another, but he always seems to be drunk, and his nature is blocked. Know that sleep is one of the healthiest things for those with diarrhea. If there is a cough with diarrhea, then they abstain from everything that has a strong acid and astringent property and limit themselves to foods and nutrients that do not have this, giving preference to cold and adhesive foods, as well as foods with dense substances that strengthen the body of the person who eats it, for example, oatmeal. Any liquid food, such as stews and broths, is harmful to them; know that sweet jams often cause harm to such patients by inducing thirst. Among the measures that block diarrhea are baths and rubbing with medications that dilate the pores. Often matter is attracted to the outside of the body by certain means of rubbing and rubbing, including hot oils, for example, dill oil and the like.

One way to lock in diarrhea is cupping on the stomach. We tried placing cups on the stomachs of those who had diarrhea or abrasions in the intestines; If you leave the jars for four hours, they will lock up the diarrhea. We tested this method. Medicines that block diarrhea also include medicinal dressings for the area of ​​the stomach and intestines, prepared from hot astringents or from cooling and astringents, depending on need. Looseness also blocks diarrhea, and this is when the cause is juice pouring into the stomach and intestines. It carries what is eaten down in its current and removes it, and the excretion causes the juices to follow it. When they are expelled and expelled, the method of further treatment is not difficult. When you use medications, start with simple ones, and if they don’t work, then move on to complex ones. Locking drugs are either dried and dried, or bound, or cooled and compacted, or sealed and clogged the pores through which the discharges rush. Cold medicines that lock unconditionally or only in the opinion of some doctors are, for example, pomegranate flowers, ink nuts, acacia, rose, acacia gum, printed clay, Armenian clay, tarasis, bamboo concretions, mainly fried and, especially, in the form jam with camphor, tamarisk fruits, blackberries, pomegranate seeds, mach, barberry, rhubarb, sorrel seeds, roasted plantain seeds, coriander, large plantain seeds and squeezed salsify juice. Rose seeds, as well as unripe mulberries, help against abrasions; The same applies to the squeezed juices of astringent drying plants or their thickly brewed juices, the squeezed juice of purslane seeds, which you drink one uqiya, and this helps, and boiled sour milk, which has absolutely no oil.

Hot simple locking medicines are, for example, toasted cumin, azhgon, toasted anise, incense peels, myrrh, dry maya, gorse, as well as incense itself, which is given to drink one dirham with matbukh. Fried old cheese is consumed on its own, or boiled in astringent squeezed juices. However, cheese excites thirst and the best way to improve it is to wash it several times in water and salt, or boil it until the salt is removed from it, and dry it. One dirham of such cheese locks the nature, and this has the strongest effect. And for children, sometimes the pulp of the peeled nut is baked, pounded and given with burnt sugar and cold water in the amount of one jillavza. The vitriol and rennet are locked up. Kid's rennet is sometimes given to a child to drink in the amount of a quarter of a dirham with cold water, and an adult - more than this, up to a dirham of hare's rennet; it immediately locks. When giving rennet to drink, you should start with one danak, and if this does not help, increase it to an amount not exceeding a dirham by weight. Old cheese, the method of consumption of which was mentioned earlier, if given to drink one dirham, is less harmful and has a stronger effect than rennet. One of the doctors argued that if you burn a piece of felt until it turns black and then give it to drink with half a dirham of water, then it is prohibited; One of my doctor friends told me that he confirmed the correctness of this from his own experience. The feces of a dog that ate only bones, if you give it to drink one and a half dirhams with matbukh, are very congestive, especially dried ones, prepared in the month of Tammuz.

Of the medicines that do not particularly relate to either of the two extremes, ostrich stomachs help against diarrhea; at one time they are given three dirhams to drink in dried form; they are scraped with a file and the patient with diarrhea is given a quantity of this medicine in thickly brewed myrtle juice or in thickly brewed quince juice, depending on the inclination of his nature. Goat's milk, boiled until thick, or boiled with hot stones, which are dipped into it three times, is also useful. Sometimes a little toasted rice or an egg yolk boiled in vinegar is added to the milk.

Among the complex medicines that incline coldness are cakes made from bamboo nodules flavored with musk, cakes made from blackberries called kalindikun, cakes made from printed clay, cakes with pomegranate flowers, cakes with lycium, cakes with tarasis, cakes with saffron, cakes with opium. , lozenges with sleeping pills poppy and musk, opium pills, mandrake pills, makliyasa, powders with pomegranate seeds, sandarac pills. To combat excessive diarrhea, use two dirhams of burnt shells with half the amount of Armenian clay and different types of makliyasa with and without printed clay. You should not fry the makliyasa too much - this destroys its power. On the contrary, you should heat the pot and remove it from the heat, and leave the makliyasa in the pot and stir until it is fried. Among the compound medicines that tend to be hot, be it small or great, are spiced cakes and Khuzistan juvarishn, which we mention in the Pharmacopoeia, as well as juvarishn made from astringent seeds, saffron cakes and amber cakes. They also take ink nuts, unpierced, green, pomegranate peel, sumac, pepper - half a dirham each, sift and knead in egg white. Then they scrape out the top of the pomegranate, put these substances into it, plug the hole with pomegranate pulp and place it on the coals.

This also includes the following remedy: they take wheat flour, mix it with a small amount of azhgon, tamarisk fruits, watercress, soak it in the oil of unripe olives, turn it into dough, bake and dry it in a bread oven. Then they take this twenty dirhams in crushed form and drink it with cold water and a small amount of wine. This category also includes the medicine used to treat children if they have diarrhea when their teeth grow: they take sleeping pills poppy, myrtle berries, man's frankincense, sati - half a dirham each, grind finely, dilute in milk, which they feed the child and give he should drink this milk. The following good, proven medicine belongs to the same category: take dry raisin seeds, finely grind them until they become like dust, take burnt bones, take acorn cores, rennet, toasted coriander seeds, sumac, thorn horns, celery seeds, cumin, soaked in vinegar, unleavened dry bread, incense, azhgon - in equal parts - and grind very well; you are allowed to put less or half of the rennet; After this period of trust, they take one kamha every hour. The amount of what is taken per day is twenty dirhams, if the rennet is one part or less, and if there is more rennet, then it locks the nature in one day.

Another medicine of this kind: take syti, sumbul, pomegranate flowers, crushed incense, some ink nuts - about half a dirham - and boil them in water. Then this water is filtered and a certain amount of sukkah with musk and good raw aloe wood is poured into it - as much as required by the circumstances, and they drink. The same kind of medicine: ginger, “shoemaker’s vitriol”, sumac are taken equally and taken in powder form from two dirhams to two mithqals. A medicine of the same kind, closer to balance: take adiantum, aromatic sumbula, smooth wheatgrass seeds, wheatgrass pith, milk thistle, pine tree root and prepare pills from it. Know that bamboo concretions are needed to block blood, seeds are needed to block intestinal diarrhea, fried seeds of flea and plantain are needed against pain; As for the diarrhea itself, oatmeal, especially re-roasted one, stops it. Food is what we have already mentioned. Boiled eggs are beneficial for diarrhea resulting from rotting intestines, but are not suitable for hepatic and gastric diarrhea and are even sometimes harmful. As for the means that cause numbness, they are dangerous, although they are often necessary and sometimes beneficial, because they thicken the matter and because they put them to sleep and eliminate the need to rise to defecate due to a burning sensation; be that as it may, they should not be consumed while they can be dispensed with. When it is necessary to use them, then do not prescribe them to patients whose body has become cold and their strength has weakened, and this is manifested in the pulse, and if you cannot do without them, then they are mixed with, for example, beaver stream, saffron and the like. We saw a man who injected himself with an opium suppository and died. If a drug that causes numbness can be used in suppositories, then it is not used as a drink, and if it can be used in medicinal dressings, then it is not prescribed as injected into the anus and suppositories.

Here is one of the medicinal dressings that causes numbness: take opium and henbane seeds - one part each, the inner skin of acorns, pomegranate flowers, acacia, frankincense, myrrh - five parts each, bind with squeezed henbane juice or squeezed juice of the peel of sleeping pills poppy or their decoction and spread; this is an excellent medicine. A medicine for drinking that causes numbness and is very astringent: take hare rennet - two dansis, opium - the same amount, ink nuts - half a dirham, incense - half a dirham: they prepare cakes from this and give them to drink half a bowl at a time. Also: unripe ink nuts - one part, incense, opium - half part each; One-time admission - one dirham. Also: take henbane seeds, opium, sleeping pills poppy, bamboo nodules, pomegranate flowers and incense - equally; One-time admission - up to one dirham. They also take opium, sandarac, crushed frankincense, myrrh, saffron and give this to drink two pills the size of two himmus.

The following remedy is even better: knead henbane seeds, beaver stream, opium, liquid maya, myrrh, hoofed ungulate, saffron, incense, azhgon equally in honey, cleared of foam; They drink it at one time in the form of a pill the size of a jujube fruit. Also: lead oxide - a quarter of a dirham, rennet - half a dirham; burnt bones - dirham, ink nuts - dirham, opium - danak. Cake made from henbane seeds and henbane porridge also help, as well as this medicine: take acacia, ink nuts, opium, gum - one part of each - and turn it into cakes. Here is another medicine to drink that causes numbness, it locks the stomach in two days: take azhgon, celery seeds, sour pomegranate peels, ink nuts and juniper berries - equally, one part each, and opium - half a part. All this is ground into powder and given to drink at one time from a dirham to a misqal in the morning and the same amount in the evening; the child is given from one danak to two danaks. Among the medications for diarrhea, there are those that are suitable for those who have a cough with diarrhea. These are, for example, myrtle, mastic, gum, incense, roasted plantain seeds, bamboo nodules, chestnuts, nuts, roasted almonds. In general, you should give those medicines that do not have strong acid and astringency, but have clogging and adhesive properties. If necessary, they give tart ones, followed by licking medicines that soften the breasts. Many licking medicines, prepared from soporific poppy, tragacanth, gum, horns, myrtle fruit and roasted starch, and also from mucilages of substances that have first been roasted and then contrived to extract the mucus from them, combine both properties.

Food for such patients. As for food for such patients, there should be nothing spicy or very salty in it, as well as irritating acid that would set in motion the expelling force. Such food is, for example, the milk we mentioned, boiled with hot stones, and especially that in which the iron was extinguished several times; even better is boiled sour milk, from which the oil has been completely removed, with a small amount of toasted rice or millet. The doctor tests how much milk is digested; if nothing is absorbed, the patient takes less. Boiled cow's milk is more strengthening, and for people with a hot nature, goat's milk is best suited, although it is more astringent; sour milk has a better effect on people with a hot nature than non-sour milk. Also good, for example, is the crumb of white bread, toasted, cooled and dried, as well as bread that is well baked, for which flour is kneaded with vinegar; it is excellent for people with a hot nature. Or, for example, lentils boiled in two waters, which are combined, and then the lentils are boiled in a third water until they thicken, and are acidified or not acidified. Chowder with sorrel also works well. As for sour, this is, for example, a dish prepared from sumac, pomegranate seeds, ksk and coriander; sometimes they put rice in it. Beans boiled with vinegar are good for such patients.

Food that nourishes and is in itself a good remedy includes the following: take barley oatmeal - two handfuls, soporific poppy seeds - a handful, soporific poppy peels - a handful, boil thoroughly, strain and take; if you acidify it with sour apple oatmeal or pomegranate seeds or sumac, it will be good. The salt for such patients should be Andaran salt, which is pounded, then thoroughly calcined, then mixed with pomegranate seeds, coriander and sumac; if the patient does not have a strong fever, then it is mixed with old cheese, fried and crushed. Such patients should be given only cold water, no matter what it is - cold locks in and quenches thirst, and warm water dissolves and causes the need to drink even more, but, of course, not with haida in accordance with what is indicated above, and not with diarrhea from blockages or tumors. The meat that they are allowed to eat is the meat of steppe partridges, mountain partridges, loons, sparrows and larks, as well as hare meat, meat of khat, turtle doves and wood pigeons, especially Sudanese; It is best if the meat is spiced or acidified and fried. Also useful are the yolks of eggs boiled in vinegar, and sour seasonings prepared with such yolks, and, for example, with pomegranate seeds, with raisins, which have a lot of seeds, with coriander or sumac and the like - blackberries, young shoots of grapes, sorrel leaves, large plantain leaves and repeatedly boiled cabbage. They are also given small fish boiled with vinegar. Among those that replace spices, pistachio flowers, hawthorn flowers, coriander and myrtle fruits are useful. If such patients cannot digest meat, they are prepared with scrapings from the meat of chickens and partridges and the like; it is boiled for a long time and mixed with a small amount of rice or millet, then the water is strained out and put on the fire again until it becomes almost thick. Then it is acidified with sumac or pomegranate seeds or something similar. Kirdanak is also useful for them, if it does not spoil digestion too much; You should put only a little salt in it, and you should have a lot of juice flow out of it when you prick it. Legs of lamb are very beneficial for such patients if they are boiled with toasted rice.

Those suffering from diarrhea should completely abstain from fruits, even if they are astringent, unless their stomach is disgusted by any other food; chestnuts do them no harm, and neither does the kasb. If delicate food spoils in their stomach, then they are fed food that has some coarseness in it, for example, legs of mutton with thickly boiled astringent juices or strong stews prepared with rice and millet. Sometimes some such patients benefit from karis and boiled gizzards and the like, and also from sikbaj prepared from the best cow meat. They eat one sikbaj with bread soaked in it, or eat with it, if they want, a little of this good meat in an amount corresponding to the strength of their digestion; The suitability of boiled stomachs does not apply to all those suffering from diarrhea. One of the most praiseworthy stews for them is this: take sleeping poppy seeds and fry them thoroughly, then prepare a stew from it with rice or millet; it is acidified, if the patient wishes, with sumac, pomegranate seeds and similar substances. Or they prepare a stew with dry beans, rice and goat kidney fat, or they soak sumac in rainwater for one day, boil it lightly, then carefully strain the water, then soak the millet in it properly, boil it, knead it vigorously, and strain it. water and throw away the sediment; then the broth is constantly stirred over the fire with a piece of wood until it becomes like glue, and it is lightly flavored with salt, and as fat they add kid fat or roasted almonds and a little olive oil; You should not put a lot of salt and fat in this broth. This is a dish that is eaten hot or cold. They are given the oil of unripe olives as fat, and their water should be rainwater, for it has an astringent property; and I think its greatest usefulness is that it quickly descends to the liver and quickly dissolves so that no moisture remains in the chyme.

Wine is not indicated for them, but if wine cannot be avoided and the patient’s strength requires it for the sake of stimulation, then a little wine with an astringent taste is given in small quantities. It is best for such patients not to eat a variety of foods and not to take them several times; on the contrary, they should limit themselves to one dish in small quantities and once a day. You should first take something astringent and before eating, suck a little quince or sour pomegranate; You should not wash down food with water if patients are thirsty and do not drink anything; this in itself is a good treatment, especially if patients, after eating, do not move at all. They should apply pressure to the upper limbs to attract nutrients to them, and apply medicinal dressings on the stomach, astringent, restraining, cold and hot, mixed from various drugs according to what the circumstances require. Such dressings should include sumbul, mastic, myrrh, as; maysusan is of great benefit if it is included in these medicines. Here is the recipe for a good ointment, which is used to lubricate the area between the stomach and liver, if both of these organs are involved in the relaxation: boil ten parts of bitter wormwood, strain and put on a sore spot on a rag. Then they take roses of pomegranate flowers, dry myrtle, akakiya, hiyufastidas, ink nuts, mix them equally with water of myrtle and the sediment of the mentioned bitter wormwood and apply a bandage from this.

Know that teryak is very helpful for any diarrhea that causes fainting and loss of strength, unless the cause of the diarrhea is a tumor and severe fever. If the patient does not recover from weakness, although his former diarrhea has been locked up, and his body does not accept food, then he should eat sparrows and young chickens, breasts, and not bony limbs, which are slowly digested; They are fried in a frying pan and made into kebab. Patients who have a large appetite, but little ability to digest food, are also given all these things, or red meat, fried in olive oil and sprinkled with Chinese cinnamon; it is also soaked in quince and apple wine. One of the remedies we tested for bloody diarrhea was goat's milk, into which hot stones were dipped.