Diarrhea Neurogenic

Neurogenic diarrhea (Latin: neurogenic diarrhea) is a type of nervous gastrointestinal diarrhea that often occurs with mental illness and psychogenia. A form of colitis associated with overexcitation or overstrain of the autonomic (autonomic) nervous system. Belongs to the category of functional dyspepsia from the gastrointestinal tract. The disorder is manifested by the frequent appearance of loose stools and increased gas formation, accompanied by a feeling of incomplete bowel movement. The diagnosis is made on the basis of endoscopic and radiological studies, a survey histological analysis of the intestinal mucosa. Treatment includes diet, psychotherapy, antipsychotics, physiotherapy, and symptomatic medications.

Neurogenic diarrhea (lat. diarrhea psychogena) is an intestinal disorder accompanied by frequent loose stools, resulting from functional disorders of the central nervous system.

Diarrhea is common, but many people do not understand what it is or how much harm it can cause. The problem is that excessive bowel movements often lead to dehydration and also affect the balance of gut bacteria. In addition, the exhaustion of the body due to diarrhea can lead to depression. Here are some examples of neurogenic diarrhea:

1. Depression - very often neurogenic diarrhea is a consequence of stressful situations and experiences. When stress occurs, hormonal changes occur in the body, which negatively affect digestion. The body suppresses digestive functions to conserve energy and ultimately leads to neurogenic diarrhea. 2. Anxiety and worry - due to thoughts about the problems and fears of some people, diarrhea becomes more frequent and debilitating. The nervous system is affected by stressful situations, worry and anxiety, nervous overstrain due to lack of sleep and overeating can cause neurogenic diarrhea. 3. Bad habits - excessive consumption of alcohol or coffee can depress the gastrointestinal tract and lead to negative consequences, such as diarrhea. 4. Alcohol and coffee - these drinks have a negative impact on the healthy nervous system, which can cause dry mouth and dehydration, leading to intestinal dysfunction and nausea. 5. Disease - in rare cases, neurogenic diarrhea can be a consequence of diseases of the digestive system.

How to cope with neurogenic diarrhea?

To avoid exacerbations of neurogenic problems with the gastrointestinal tract, you need to follow a few simple tips. To do this: you need to monitor your diet, avoid hungry runs, reduce stress in your life and pay attention to the hygiene of intimate areas for women.