
Poriomania: when traveling becomes a passion

Traveling is not only an opportunity to see new places and get to know different cultures, but also an opportunity to break away from routine and enjoy freedom. However, for some people, traveling becomes not just a hobby, but a real passion. This phenomenon is called poriomania.

The word "poriomania" comes from the Greek words "poreia" - journey and "mania" - mania, that is, passion. This concept has been introduced into the medical dictionary and describes a mental disorder in which a person experiences a constant desire to travel, move, without staying in one place.

Poriomania can manifest itself in varying degrees. For some it is a constant desire to go away for the weekend, for others it is long international travel. Some poriomancers plan their trips in advance by studying the geography, culture, and history of their destinations, while others prefer to have no specific plans and simply set off at random.

Poriomania can become a problem if it begins to interfere with other aspects of life in pursuit of new adventures. For example, poriomancers may spend all of their money on travel, leaving little for other needs such as paying bills. Poriomania can also affect relationships with loved ones who do not share the passion for travel.

However, if poriomania does not become a problem, then it can bring a lot of positive emotions and impressions. Traveling helps expand your horizons, make new friends and enjoy life.

Overall, poriomania is an interesting phenomenon that can lead to both positive and negative consequences. The main thing is to learn to find a balance between the desire to travel and other aspects of life.