Vicious circle

"Vicious circle": a concept in medicine and economics.

A Vicious Circle (Circulus Vitiosus) is a psychological and economic condition in which a person or company is in a state of endless cycle of unsuccessful attempts to solve a problem or achieve a goal. It occurs when a situation repeats itself and continues to get worse despite action taken. In medicine, a defect is usually a closed, recurrent pattern of actions that leads to a deterioration in the patient's condition.

In economics, vice is a common problem for firms that constantly make bad decisions and do not have a long-term development strategy. A vicious circle can lead to the collapse of the enterprise, loss of reputation and financial losses. It is associated with the cyclical interests of participants who have not formed responsibility for their actions and results.

The main reasons for the appearance of the vice are: Low responsibility (inability to make decisions, lack of initiative and motivation, disrespectful attitude towards the team, clients, lack of control over one’s own