Developmental Disabilities

A malformation is a violation of the normal development of the body, which can be caused by various factors such as genetic mutations, infections, chemicals and others. Developmental defects can manifest themselves in various forms, such as abnormalities in body structure, dysfunction of organs and systems, as well as mental disorders.

The malformations may be congenital or acquired, and they may be mild or severe. Congenital malformations usually appear immediately after birth, while acquired malformations may develop over time.

Some of the most common birth defects include:

– Heart abnormalities, such as defects in the septa between the chambers of the heart or defects in the valves.
– Brain development disorders such as hydrocephalus or anencephaly.
– Limb defects such as missing fingers or limbs.
– Multiple defect syndromes such as Down syndrome or Turner syndrome.

Diagnosis of developmental defects can be complex and requires careful examination by specialists. Treatment for birth defects depends on their severity and may include surgery, medication, or a combination of both.

However, despite doctors' best efforts, some malformations can lead to death or serious complications. Therefore, it is important to screen for birth defects before the baby is born so that they can be detected and treated early.

Developmental defect

A malformation is a congenital anatomical disorder of one or more organs, in most cases the result of an intrauterine defect and requiring surgical intervention. The word “defect” in this case is used in its medical sense – meaning “birth defect”.

However, congenital