Graying Symptomatic

Strange white or silvery hair on the scalp is a subjective sensation that many people often experience. Most often, the appearance of such hair is associated with changes in the hormonal levels of the body. According to statistics, about 8% of people in the world have suffered from this disease at least once.

The appearance of senile hair is observed in 23 percent of women over the age of 30, while a third of these women note that the appearance of hair began quite recently (no more than two years ago).

Factors that can cause white hair symptoms include heredity, race, diabetes, and even hypothyroidism. None of the above facts can fully explain why one group of people develops hair earlier than another. It all depends on individual characteristics. However, it can be said that graying is a symptom of aging.

But don't be upset. After all, the appearance of hair can also be a sign of the normal aging process. Scientists believe that aging hair has its advantages. First of all, old skin hair that has never been exposed to natural hormones has an excellent opportunity to age. And when aging, it is as bright and white as fresh young hair. In simple terms, old hair grows in place of young hair that was destroyed during the aging process. Therefore, hair can grow both over the entire surface of the head and in any other part of the body where young hair is usually located.

However, there is no need to be afraid or ashamed of your white hair problem. Moreover, recently society has normalized its view of this problem. The modern world has accepted it as something inherent to many people. In addition, it became possible to control the problem medically. It’s not scary to go gray, because you can stop the process even at the beginning. You need to contact