Post-hypnotic Action

Post-Hypnotic Action: When Reality Emerges After a Hypnotic Sleep

Hypnosis is a phenomenon that arouses curiosity and intrigue in many people. It can be used for a variety of purposes, including therapy and entertainment, and is often associated with the concept of post-hypnotic effects. Post-hypnotic action describes a unique phenomenon where an action suggested during hypnotic sleep is manifested and performed some time after its cessation.

When a person is in a state of hypnotic sleep, his subconscious becomes more open and receptive to suggestion. The hypnotist can use this opportunity to suggest a specific action or behavior to a person. For example, the hypnotist might say to his subject: "Two days after the test

In everyday life, we are faced with a huge amount of information and the need to make decisions in a very short time. At such moments, we can only rely on our automatisms, ready-made behavior scenarios or knowledge and experience. At the same time, certain circumstances related to our general consciousness can significantly increase the likelihood