Posthepatic jaundice

Jaundice is a change in the color of the sclera and skin to a yellow color, accompanied by a violation of the pigment metabolism of bilirubin. The occurrence of jaundice indicates the presence of an obstacle to the exit of portocalcifern from the liver. The changes that occur with jaundice are a consequence of increasing obstruction of the bile duct by stagnant pigment and the humoral mechanism of its reverse development from portocalcin. An obstruction to the outflow of fluid from the gallbladder can be caused by both mechanical factors and changes in the contractility of the gallbladder wall and ducts. The reasons for the development of jaundice also matter depending on which mechanical or humoral cause is predominant. Consequently, the pathogenesis of jaundice involves a disorder of the biliary tract and a disorder of pigment metabolism - cholestasis and portocalivertebral metabolism. Hemodynamic disturbance