Reflex Conditioned

Conditioned reflexes are a form of nervous activity that depends on the situation of influence on the animal and its production. The presence of this reflex activity leads to the development of the animal’s ability to respond with some kind of reaction and a certain form of behavior. When a pet is exposed to an irritant, its reaction will depend on the degree of persistence of this impact. That is, if it is repeated several times in different situations, then the pet will adapt to the current situation and will no longer give a response every time you apply this influence. These skills are mastered by the method of reward - the animal receives the prize it needs after receiving the necessary conditioned reflex. Hence the conclusion - the learning process is not simple and sometimes requires a long time to master a skill. All reflexes are conditional and have their own terms, and depending on the emotional coloring and their distribution, one can judge the character of the pet. Some reflexes may be stronger and more independent, this is shown by the predominance of emotional contacts between humans and animals. But every animal owner needs to realize and adhere to the rule that only an attentive and kind attitude towards the pet, close and long-term communication can arouse sympathy and love for the owner. Such study brings many benefits for his mental, physiological and social development.