Natural Ultraviolet Irradiance Coefficient

The coefficient of natural ultraviolet (NUFO) or erythemal irradiance (NEC) is an indicator that reflects the amount of ultraviolet radiation reaching the Earth's surface. It is used to assess the level of ultraviolet radiation in a particular area and can be used to determine the optimal time for tanning and protection from ultraviolet rays.

CUFO or CEO is determined by measuring the amount of ultraviolet radiation at a certain height above the Earth's surface. This is usually done using special instruments - photometers, which measure the level of ultraviolet radiation in the range from 290 to 400 nm. Measurements are taken at a height of 1.5 meters above ground level.

Levels of ultraviolet radiation can vary greatly depending on geographic location and time of year. For example, in the tropics, where the sun shines brighter, the level of ultraviolet radiation is higher than in temperate latitudes. Also, the level of KUFO can change throughout the year due to changes in the angle of inclination of the Earth relative to the Sun.

Measuring CUFO is important to protect people's health from ultraviolet rays and prevent the development of skin cancer. In this regard, many countries establish ECFA standards and recommend the use of sunscreens when staying outdoors during the period of greatest ultraviolet radiation activity.

However, be aware that excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays can lead to skin burns and other negative health effects. Therefore, when choosing a time for tanning, it is necessary to take into account not only KUFO, but also other factors, such as skin type, its condition and time of day.

Overall, the measurement of UVR is an important tool for assessing the level of ultraviolet radiation and taking appropriate measures to protect public health.

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