Galvanic Skin Test

Galvanic skin testing (GST) is a hearing test based on measuring the electrical activity of the skin in response to sound stimuli. CGP is widely used in medicine and psychology for diagnosing and assessing hearing status.

The QGP method was developed at the beginning of the 20th century by Russian physiologist Ivan Petrovich Pavlov. He discovered that when a sound stimulus acts on human skin, an electric current arises, which can be measured using a special device - a galvanometer. This current is called the galvanic skin reflex.

Currently, CGP is used to assess the hearing status of children. The method allows you to determine how well a child perceives sounds and what problems may be associated with his hearing.

To conduct CGP, the child is asked to listen to various sounds against a background of white noise. The electrical activity of the skin in and around the ear is then measured. In this case, a special device is used - an electrograph.

The results of the CGP make it possible to identify hearing impairments and determine the degree of their severity. In addition, the method can be used to assess the effectiveness of hearing treatment in children with various diseases.

Thus, CGP is an important method for studying hearing in children and can help doctors and psychologists in the diagnosis and treatment of various hearing disorders.

The galvanic skin reflex is a normal reaction of our body to various irritants in the form of an increase in body temperature or redness of the area under the influence of certain factors. However, there is also another side to the coin. If the body is dealt a strong blow (for example, a very strong emotional shock) or prolonged exposure to it (for example, a long repetition of unpleasant repetitive sounds), depression of the heart and a sharp cooling of the skin may occur. Also, sharp paleness of the skin on the fingers sometimes indicates a disease of the peripheral nervous system or internal organs. Therefore, we can consider this reflex in a medical context.

The electrophysiological basis of the method - these physiological processes made it possible, using transillumination equipment designed for photometric measurement of physiological functions, to illuminate intradermal electrodes with incandescent lamp light to measure local galvanic skin resistance. In this way, it is possible to detect a unique pulsogram in various vegetative processes.

Galvanic skin reflexometry is an objective method for assessing the functional state of the autonomic nervous system and its role in the regulation of all functional systems of the body, including the central nervous system. Depending on the functional level of the cerebral cortex, the ratio of activity of the sympathetic and parasympathetic parts of the vagus nerve is different in healthy people and is within normal limits. But functional deviations from the optimal ratio of these departments can lead to changes in autonomic tone. For this purpose, since the middle of the last century, the galvanic skin reflex (GSR) has been measured by irritating the skin with an electric current. Currently, only the bipolar method is used, which cannot excite alpha waves. Long-term use of medications affects the effectiveness of GSR. The use of local anesthetics significantly reduces the effectiveness of the test. This method is absolutely harmless to the patient. Indications for the use of cutaneous refluxometry: Heart rhythm disturbances, Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and hepatobiliary system, Pathologies of the respiratory system, Anti-inflammatory and infectious processes in the body, Immunodeficiency