Postnatal Mortality Rate

The postnatal mortality rate (PMR) is a statistical indicator that reflects the number of children who died in the first week of life per 1000 live and stillborn births. This ratio is an important indicator of the health status of the population and the effectiveness of the healthcare system.

CPS is one of the most important indicators in the field of neonatology, as it reflects the quality of medical care for newborns and the effectiveness of preventive measures. The lower the CPS, the higher the quality of medical care and the lower the risk of complications in newborns.

Depending on the level of CPS, 3 groups of countries are distinguished:

  1. Countries with low levels of CPS (less than 5 ppm). These are countries where medical care for newborns is of a high standard and the health care system is efficient.
  2. Countries with an average level of CPS (from 5 to 15 ppm). In these countries, medical care is partially provided, and the health care system is experiencing some problems.
  3. Countries with a high level of CPS (more than 15 ppm). These countries are characterized by poor quality of medical care, which leads to high mortality rates among newborns.

The postnatal mortality rate (PNMR) is an important indicator of newborn health and the quality of health care in a country. This ratio is defined as the ratio of the number of children who died in the first week of life to the total number of live and stillborn births over a certain period of time. CPNS is measured in ppm (‰), which is a decimal fraction where 100,000 means 1%.

CPNS is one of the main indicators of population health and shows how well health care facilities are performing and what measures are being taken to improve the health of newborns. A low CPNS indicates that health care workers effectively cope with the problems associated with childbirth and provide them with quality health care. A high CPNS, on the contrary, indicates that medical services are not coping with their responsibilities and cannot provide the necessary conditions to preserve the life of newborns.

In addition, the CPNS can be used to assess the quality of medical services in different regions of the country. If the CPNS in one region is higher than in another, this may indicate a lower level of health care or a less favorable environment for childbearing.

Overall, the CPNS is an important indicator of newborn health and the quality of health services provided in the country. It allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of medical institutions and identify problems associated with birth and the health of newborns.