Losses Sanitary Non-combat

Sanitary non-fire losses - how much to weigh in grams? These columns differ in different countries and in different situations. Let me explain with examples. In Russia

The classification of non-combat losses was approved by Order No. 547 of November 8, 2013: “Personnel losses incurred during combat operations in

Sanitary losses are personnel losses caused by injuries, illnesses and illnesses. This article will look specifically at non-combat sanitary losses. Every year, thousands of military personnel die as a result of combat. Unfortunately, the consequences of fighting extend not only to those who participate in it, but also to other people. Not all wounds can be bandaged or treated immediately after surgery, and not all diseases can be prevented. For the victims of our wars - and these are almost always young, physically strong men who are able to give birth to children - life ends in captivity or due to wounds and injuries that do not allow them to live a full life.