Head Rotation (Cephalic Version)

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Rotation of the Fetus into Head Presentation (Cephalic Version)

Rotation of the fetus into cephalic presentation is a medical procedure aimed at changing the position of the fetus in the uterus so that during labor its head comes out first. This procedure is performed in cases where the fetus is in a breech presentation or in a transverse position.

During rotation, the doctor gently presses through the pregnant woman’s abdomen on the head and buttocks of the fetus, helping it turn in the desired direction. The procedure is carried out under ultrasound control.

The purpose of fetal rotation is to ensure cephalic presentation, which is considered the safest for childbirth. With a breech presentation, the risk of complications increases, such as difficult labor, fetal hypoxia, and trauma to the birth canal.

It is recommended to perform fetal rotation only for strict medical reasons and in the absence of contraindications, since the procedure itself carries certain risks. It should only be performed by an experienced doctor in a hospital setting.

A cephalic version is a procedure in which the doctor rotates the fetus in the uterus so that the baby's head comes out first during labor. This procedure is performed if the fetus is in the uterus in a breech position or in an inverted position.

The purpose of cephalic rotation is to change the position of the fetus to ensure the safest birth. When the baby's head is born first, it reduces the risk of complications such as asphyxia or fetal injury. Childbirth in the breech or transverse position of the fetus is associated with great risk.

A cephalic rotation is usually performed after the 37th week of pregnancy. The doctor gently presses on the pregnant woman's abdomen to rotate the fetus in the desired direction. Sometimes medications that relax the uterus are used to make the procedure easier.

Although turning on the head can reduce the risks of childbirth, the procedure itself carries some risks. In some cases, premature rupture of amniotic fluid, placental abruption, or other complications are possible. Therefore, this procedure is performed only if there are absolute indications and under close medical supervision.

Turn to the head (cephalic version)

A cephalic version, also known as a cephalic version, is a medical procedure performed to prevent complications in the birth of mother and baby in cephalic presentations. This procedure helps to rotate the fetus into the correct position so that the head emerges first.