Povorot (Version)

Turning is an important maneuver used in obstetrics to facilitate childbirth. This maneuver repositions the fetus in the uterus to provide the best position for passage through the mother's birth canal.

When the fetus is in an abnormal position, it can lead to birth complications such as dystocia (obstructed labor), which can lead to increased risks for mother and baby. Therefore, when the fetus is in an abnormal position, doctors may recommend performing a turning maneuver.

Rotation (Version) can be performed in two ways: external and internal. External rotation (Version) is performed by a doctor outside the uterus by massaging the mother's abdomen. Internal rotation (Version) is performed by inserting the hand into the mother's vagina and moving the fetus into the correct position.

One example of a Version is a head rotation. This means that the fetus rotates so that the head becomes the presenting part. This maneuver may be used when the fetus is in a transverse or breech position, which may impede passage through the birth canal.

It is important to note that turning is a medical procedure and should only be performed by qualified professionals in a medical setting. In addition, it is not always possible to perform a rotation (Version), and in some cases a caesarean section may be required.

In conclusion, turning is an important maneuver in obstetrics that can help ease the birth process and reduce the risk of complications for mother and baby. However, like any medical procedure, rotation (Version) should only be performed by qualified professionals under appropriate conditions and after a thorough examination of the mother and fetus.

The Version Turn is a method of obstetric turning that allows you to change the position of the fetus in the womb to facilitate labor and reduce the risk of complications.

The Version maneuver is to rotate the fetus around the longitudinal axis of the uterus by 180 degrees, that is, from a transverse to a longitudinal presentation. This may help reduce the risk of perineal tears and other injuries to the mother, as well as reduce pressure on the fetal head, which can lead to less hemorrhage and a reduced risk of cervical rupture.

In addition, the Version rotation can help prevent breech birth, which can lead to obstructed labor and complications for mother and fetus.

It is important to note that the Version twist is not a universal method for all women and should only be performed under the supervision of an experienced obstetrician. Improper execution of the maneuver can lead to serious complications and even fetal death.

Fetal rotation (Version) is a method that allows you to turn the baby into the correct position with the head down. The question arises: why turn the baby over in the wrong position? After all, the fetus feels quite comfortable being in a transverse presentation. However, with this option, the head protrudes towards the mother’s pelvis and it is not possible to pull the baby out. Difficulties also arise during the birth of shoulders. Therefore, this option is fraught with complications during childbirth. However, there are situations when a caesarean section is the only option. These may be the cases listed above, obstruction, etc. When performing this type of operation, it is likely that the placenta along with the membranes will have to be removed at birth. If the fetus is malpositioned or the baby is not progressing well during labor, doctors may use a fetal rotation (version) before starting the process. The treatment method is applicable not only for deviations in the child’s position, but also if the head is located below the cervix. During pelvic birth, a change in position is also possible. The duration of the turn is up to half an hour. The time required for delivery after it depends on the individual course of labor and is about 4-6 hours.