Plaster bandage

**A plaster cast** is a medical product for preserving and normalizing the position of a limb in case of injuries and fractures in cases where restriction and (or) retention of movements in the joints is required. It is a multicomponent medical product in the form of a durable knitted fabric or bandage made from gypsum stone, where finely ground inorganic substances (calcium selenite), natural fillers (flour, starch) and water are in a plastic state. Along with the classic plaster cast, “hydrophilic” plaster bandages are successfully used, which contain special “active” components that are activated by contact with water or moisture of the human skin, thereby achieving increased adsorption of the surface liquid and rapid setting of the plaster. The so-called dental gypsum, used in dentistry, is also used for the production of plaster bandages and splints. For