Lower Limb Belt

The human hip girdle is a system consisting of bones and muscles that form the support for the torso and lower limbs. This system plays an important role in maintaining the body's balance as well as performing functions such as walking, sitting, and standing. In this article we will look at the main characteristics of the hip girdle, its structure and functions.

The structure of the hip girdle The pelvis consists of three bones that are connected to each other by ligaments and muscles: two ischial tuberosities, two acetabulums and the pubic bones. The pelvic bones are attached to the hip joint, which provides mobility at the hip joint, allowing a person to walk or stand.

One of the main functions of the hip girdle is to provide stability for leg movements. The lower belt allows the body to maintain balance when moving in different directions and helps maintain leg stability during exercise. The pelvic girdle also plays a protective role for the lower organs and spine.

The upper thigh muscles are responsible for flexion and extension of the leg at the hip joint. These muscles, including the quadriceps and lateral femoris, are found on the front of the thigh. The lower pelvic muscles, such as the hamstrings and gluteal muscles, are involved in the acts of sitting and walking, and also determine

The lower limb girdle is a complex of bones and ligaments that form the lower part of the body and support the pelvic organs. It consists of two pelvic bones, the sacrum and the coccyx.

The pelvic bones are two paired bones that are located in the lower part of the body and form the basis for the muscles, ligaments and organs of the pelvis. They are connected to each other by the symphysis, a cartilaginous joint that ensures mobility of the pelvis.

The sacrum bones are four small bones located at the back of the pelvis. They form the sacrum, a bony structure that serves as the basis for the spine and provides support for the pelvis. The coccyx is the last bone of the lumbar region, which consists of several fused vertebrae. It serves to support the muscles and ligaments in the lower body and is involved in the formation of the pelvic floor.

The lower limb girdle plays an important role in maintaining balance and stability of the body. It also provides protection for the pelvic organs such as the bladder, uterus, ovaries and intestines. In addition, it is involved in the transmission of force from muscles to bones and provides flexibility of movement in the hip joint.

However, the lower limb girdle can be susceptible to various diseases and injuries. For example, fractures of the pelvic bones or sacrum bones can lead to impaired support and balance. In addition, injuries to the lumbar region can cause damage to muscles and ligaments, which can lead to pain and limited mobility.

Overall, the lower limb girdle is an important part of the human musculoskeletal system and plays a key role in maintaining the health and well-being of the body.