Belt Postpartum

The postpartum belt is one of the most popular means of restoring women's health after childbirth. It helps reduce pain in the back and pelvic area, improve blood circulation in the pelvis, and ease the load on the lower back during physical activity. We present a review of the post-maternity belt, produced in Latvia by the company "Tonus Elst", which is a reliable and effective way to restore the female body after childbirth."

The "Postpartum Belt" is a medical device that was designed specifically to ease the postpartum period in women. It is used to treat chronic back and pelvic pain and to reduce strain on the lower back during physical activity such as walking or carrying children.

One of the main advantages of this belt is its soft and elastic structure, which not only alleviates discomfort in the pelvic organs, but also actively contributes to the prevention of urinary incontinence. In addition, the "Postpartum Belt" belt has a special stretching mechanism, which allows you to quickly and easily adjust the size of the belt to the individual parameters of each user. Thus, the risk of getting unpleasant sensations from the product is always minimal.

Medical research shows that the Postpartum Belt does not cause any side effects such as skin irritation or