
Pre-disease is a harbinger that follows the first symptoms of the disease and is a continuation of the body before the onset of the disease. Many people are faced with an unpleasant condition that manifests itself long before severe manifestations and deterioration. In the pre-illness, signs and symptoms of the body appear that can be considered as an addition to the usual way of life, however, you should be very careful, because these are already tricks of the body, which sends signals that it is time to think about it or that it is necessary to contact a specialist for diagnosis and treatment. Most often, pre-painful conditions go away either independently or under the influence of medications prescribed by the attending physician. It happens that pre-pain syndrome does not last long and its symptoms disappear later, but you need to be able to figure it out and understand why it arose, and not just invent medicines for it. Sometimes a sharp deterioration in health can be a reason to seek help.