Pre-Stroke Condition

A hypertensive crisis is an emergency, life-threatening condition that develops against the background of prolonged hypertension with high blood pressure, most often systolic. Pre-stroke (hypertensive) crises are characterized by a significant increase in heart rate (up to 20 per minute), sharp pain in the heart, and shortness of breath.

One of the important components of pre-stroke therapy is lifestyle modification. The goal of treatment is to stabilize blood pressure, which should not exceed 140/90 mmHg. Art. [1]. It is necessary to establish control over the amount of salt consumed, minimize psycho-emotional stress and unnecessary stress. Consumption of alcoholic beverages is prohibited. The patient must change eating habits. The total volume of liquid consumed per day should not exceed two liters, per liter of which there should be one gram of salt. The total calorie content of food consumed should not exceed 500 kcal. In addition, it is necessary to lead an active lifestyle, it is worth playing sports, taking care of your health, giving up bad habits, and establishing a daily routine.

To drug treatment

Neurocirculatory dystonia (NCD), or vegetative-vascular dystonia: this is a symptom complex that includes unpleasant manifestations in the heart area that occur against the background of low or high blood pressure, disturbances in vascular tone, accompanied by vegetative signs. NCD occurs quite often: according to various authors, its frequency in the general population ranges from 15 to 40%. In turn, almost 70% of patients with NCD have autonomic arterial dysfunction, 60% have cerebral circulatory insufficiency, every third has sympathoadrenal paroxysms characteristic of hypertensive syndrome. An increase or decrease in pressure can be caused by a violation of the regulation of vascular tone in the central nervous system, and also affect the arteries of the brain area