Sanitary and Hygienic Provision

Sanitary and hygienic provision is one of the most important sections of medical support for the armed forces of the Russian Federation. It is a system of targeted preventive measures aimed at improving the health of military personnel and reducing morbidity among them. As is known, a high level of morbidity means a decrease in the performance of military personnel, which leads to a decrease in combat readiness and the quality of performing assigned tasks. It is for this reason that sanitary and hygienic provision plays a key role in ensuring the combat readiness of troops. To ensure high-quality implementation of this type of support, various organizational measures and activities are provided. For example, providing military personnel with milk, providing information through visual propaganda, as well as improving living conditions. Particular attention is paid to organizing meals for military personnel, since it is known that nutrition plays a huge role in maintaining human performance and health. All these events serve one goal - to improve the health of the population and military personnel.

Sanitary and hygienic provision is an important area of ​​medical support for the RF Armed Forces.

Ensuring the sanitary and hygienic condition of military units in the conditions of their daily activities and when performing combat missions is one of the most important tasks of military service, which has its own characteristics. The state of discipline and law and order in the unit is largely determined by the sanitary state of life of the personnel, a strictly defined hygienic regime for accommodation, eating and working in combat vehicles, as well as the quality of baths, showers and other sanitary facilities, and the provision of troops with individual hygiene products and clothing. Prevention of infectious diseases among military personnel is achieved by strict isolation of infectious patients, primary prevention, and provision of medical and educational assistance to maintain a healthy lifestyle. This makes it possible to maintain the combat effectiveness of personnel and reduce the number of diseases associated with work within the framework of their professional activities, for example, occupational diseases of military personnel.

The basis of sanitary and hygienic living conditions for military personnel is the hygienic standardization of all elements of life activity. Hygienic standardization regulates almost all environmental factors affecting the soldier’s body: temperature, air humidity, lighting, noise, population density, composition of food, drinking water, protective clothing, etc. In the conditions of modern military service, compliance with hygienic standards has become difficult, since it is not always possible to provide the necessary natural influences, especially when soldiers work in enclosed spaces, in the cold, with a lack of oxygen in the air, under the influence of high-frequency noise, etc. When military personnel are exposed to the above-mentioned unfavorable factors, physiotherapy, artificial ventilation, air conditioning, phototherapy, and aromatherapy are used instead of natural influences.

To prevent diseases that may arise due to violations of the sanitary and hygienic conditions, military personnel must undergo special training and periodically visit areas with a less favorable microclimate, cold, strong wind and rain. An important task is to organize various types of leisure, which will reduce