Precancer Obligate

Precancer obligate

Obligate precancer is a group of malignant tumors that arise from an obligate precancerous lesion. This disease is one of the most difficult forms of cancer, as in most cases it requires complex treatment, including surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

The term "obligate precancerous lesion" refers to an area of ​​the body from which cancer arises over time, regardless of external influence. While “facultative precancerous syndrome” is a condition where cancer can be expected to occur, but under certain conditions (for example, if a certain process is not stopped). It is believed that obligate precancerous lesions can persist even after the cessation of exposure to the initial factor.

Circumstances that may contribute to the development of obligate precancerous lesions include environmental factors such as radioactive contamination, unhealthy lifestyle, genetic predisposition, early infectious diseases and others. Perhaps future research