Light baths

Light baths are a treatment method that involves using incandescent electric lamps to create light and heat radiation on the patient’s body. This method was developed at the end of the 19th century and became widespread in medicine.

The principle of light baths is that incandescent lamps create light and heat that penetrate the patient's skin and muscles. Light stimulates the work of skin cells and muscles, and heat helps to relax muscles and relieve tension. As a result of this treatment method, blood circulation and metabolism are improved, tissue regeneration and wound healing are accelerated.

Light baths can be used to treat various conditions such as back pain, arthritis, migraines, insomnia and others. They can also be used to improve overall health and prevent disease.

To carry out light baths, special baths are used in which incandescent lamps are installed. The patient lies down in the bath and closes his eyes to avoid exposure to bright light. The procedure time depends on the purpose of treatment and can range from 10 to 30 minutes.

Light baths have a number of advantages over other treatment methods. They are safe and do not require the use of drugs, which makes them especially attractive to patients. In addition, they do not cause side effects and can be used in combination with other treatments.

In conclusion, we can say that light baths are an effective method of treating many diseases and improving the general condition of the body. They can be used either alone or in combination with other treatment methods, which allows you to get maximum results.


During treatment sessions, a person is immersed in a bath filled with a special solution. In this case, the patient should lie with his head towards the light bulbs (six pieces on each side). One part of the bathtub is shaped like a bowl and is located crosswise in the center, and has a special insulating material inside. It is recommended to take at least ten such baths to obtain the desired effect. Often, sessions take place directly at home, but in the treatment of some diseases it is necessary to take a course in a specialized clinic. The baths themselves emit light softly, pleasant warmth spreads throughout the body without irritating the skin. Baths with phosphor, which have little ultraviolet radiation, are useful. During the procedure, light accelerates blood and lymph, activates wound healing and removes bacteria and germs from them. Normalizes blood circulation and heart function, improves immunity, relieves nervous tension and spasms, has a sedative and relaxing effect, and also rejuvenates.

The advantage of light baths is that they provide a comprehensive treatment that includes exposure to light, heat and water surface temperature. This method was developed more than 60 years ago and has been developed due to its positive effects on human health.

Light baths are based on the principles of physics and optics that use electrical energy to create light and heat. They provide an illuminating environment that is under the control of medical personnel. The patient is in the bathroom, which is a completely isolated space. The procedure lasts approximately 20 to 30 minutes, during which the patient's body is heated using an electric heater inside the bath. Thus, the surface temperature of the water constantly rises.

The following effects of light baths are distinguished: - improvement of blood circulation and metabolic processes in tissues, normalization of blood circulation, exchange of nutrients in the body, elimination of edema, restoration of trophic processes; - analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect, reduction of neurological pain; - hyposensitizing effect - reducing the sensitivity of the body; - immunostimulating, antiviral, antimicrobial effect - especially often used in the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system; - acceleration of tissue regeneration.

In addition, light baths have a number of other useful properties: - reducing pain, promoting relaxation and eliminating depression caused by fatigue; - faster healing of injuries and wounds;

- positive effect on the rate of inflammation and healing of mucous membranes; — stimulation of the growth process; – toning various body functions; – cleansing the body (health cycle); – reduced pain threshold; - increasing tolerance to physical activity.