**Floaters** are the most common visual symptom accompanying age-related vitreous degeneration. The term "floaters" means that these dark threads float randomly in front of your eyes. The phenomenon of flies has been known for hundreds of years, but only in recent decades has its universal interest been noted in medicine. Although on the Internet you can find a lot of photos where people jokingly name the reasons for the appearance of such objects in their eyes, for example, fatigue or a lack of glucose in the body. And often there are recommendations to conduct urgent examinations. In all of these cases, the "flying hair" is a consequence of a serious and dangerous eye condition called retinal detachment. These threads/black spots become more visible when a person squints. Their appearance should not be ignored. The most accurate diagnosis today is optical coherence tomography. The diagnosis of **"destruction of the vitreous**" is made by an ophthalmologist only personally after an examination, based not only on anamnesis, but also on many other examination methods
Floaters: illusion of movement or visual impairment?
A front sight is a visual illusion that occurs when the eyes move and is a small black speck that appears in one of a person’s fields of vision. Historically, this concept acquired a negative connotation in European languages thanks to the story of the flying flies, which was first published in 1655 by the French physician Joseph-Yves Bellesche in the Gazette de Paris. According to Belyesha, when ghosts (flies) circle over the place where a person died, an unusual effect appears in this place - the window of the heart or two eyes turns blue. At the beginning of the 17th century, this phenomenon attracted everyone's attention, because there was a belief that such a change in color could indicate approaching death. In the modern understanding, floaters are the black shadow of eyelashes, as well as tiny particles of dust or dirt stuck to the surfaces of the eye. They may appear during vision adaptation to darkness, for example, after sleep or while awake in twilight. The appearance of such spots in the field of vision often causes anxiety in people and can lead to the development of various phobias, a tendency to panic and the misconception that they indicate the occurrence of diseases of the eyes, heart or other internal organs. What symptoms should you consult an ophthalmologist for?
Despite the fact that darkening of vision is temporary and does not cause negative sensations, there are diseases that require immediate medical attention. These include:
* sharp deterioration in health and