Pregnancy Test

A pregnancy test is a method of determining whether a woman is (or is not) pregnant. Most of these tests are based on determining the presence of a special hormone in a woman’s urine - human chorionic gonadotropin. Urine is mixed with serum containing antibodies to this hormone and special labeled particles (sheep red blood cells or latex particles) coated with this hormone. If the woman is not pregnant, the antibodies present in the urine will cause agglutination of the labeled particles. If a woman is pregnant, the antibodies contained in the urine are absorbed and particle agglutination does not occur.

Using these tests, you can determine if a woman is pregnant only after 30 days from the start of her last menstruation; the accuracy of pregnancy detection is 98%. Modern tests, in which the results obtained are much easier to interpret, use monoclonal antibodies to human chorionic gonadotropin (beta HCG). They examine blood serum rather than urine, so they can be used to determine whether a woman is pregnant at an earlier stage.

A pregnancy test is one of the most common methods for diagnosing pregnancy. It is based on determining the presence in a woman’s body of a hormone that appears only during pregnancy - human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG).

Most modern pregnancy tests can detect pregnancy as early as 10 days after fertilization, but for a more accurate result it is recommended to wait until 18-21 days, when the hCG level is high enough.

To carry out the test, you need to collect urine, mix it with a special solution and place it in a test strip. After a few minutes, two lines will appear on the test strip, one of which will indicate the presence of pregnancy, and the other - its absence.

The accuracy of detecting pregnancy using a pregnancy test reaches 98%, which is a very high figure. However, like any other diagnostic method, a pregnancy test can give false positive or false negative results, so it is recommended to consult a doctor to confirm or refute pregnancy, especially if the test results are in doubt.

Pregnancy test

Determining pregnancy is one of the most common questions that concern young people. Recently, pregnancy tests have improved significantly and can now give an accurate answer already in the early stages of pregnancy. To check for pregnancy, one of two types of tests can be used: a dipstick test or a simple urine test. The first type of pregnancy test is a strip that produces positive or negative results depending on the presence or absence of pregnancy. The second type of test requires a pregnant woman to provide a urine sample for processing and results. **Medical pregnancy test** is a routine test for every woman and girl. It allows you to determine the presence of the hormone hCG (chorionic gonadotropic hormone) in the urine. Almost every girl has encountered him -