
**Preparatory. What's this?**

When you query “preparator” in the search engine, a large number of scientific and historical articles are returned. Therefore, an explanation of this term is not immediately given. But after reading, an understanding of the meaning of this word comes. From the article it becomes clear that preparatory science is needed for microscopy. The branch has been studied in the field of medical histology, botany, and microbiology. The main directions of dissection are devoted to the detailed study of living cells using a multiple magnification microscope. Methods are important in such areas as cytomorphology, neomorphology, etc.

**Medications. What is this?**

The concept “**drug**” is a word of Latin origin. It comes from *praeparatio* - preparation for action. Translated from Latin, the word should mean fit for purpose, for use, prepared. The formation of the descriptive term dates back to the Roman Empire, more specifically, to the reign of Caesar. But then the word had a different definition - a medicine for treating wounds. This is what medical professionals called medicines made from herbs and minerals. Now the modern term describes a drug in solid or liquid form necessary for diagnosis and treatment. According to the source of preparation, drugs are divided:

Preparation: The Art of Preparation and Preservation of Preparations

The preparation room, derived from the Latin verb "praeparo, praeparatum" (to prepare, prepare), is a special place where work on the preparation and preservation of drugs is carried out. This is a space where specialists known as preparators focus on creating and preserving anatomical, biological and other types of preparations that serve the purposes of science, education and research.

The preparation room is an integral part of medical, biological and scientific institutions, museums, universities and other educational institutions. It is a specialized room equipped with the necessary equipment and tools to provide optimal conditions for the preparation and preservation of drugs.

One of the key functions of the preparatory department is the preparation of anatomical preparations. Preparators work with human or animal cadavers to create anatomical models that help scientists, medical professionals and students better understand the body's structure. Using special fixation, staining and preservation techniques, preparators create long-lasting preparations that can last for decades.

In addition to anatomical preparations, the preparatory department also prepares biological preparations. Preparations work with different types of organisms, ranging from microscopic bacteria and cells to large animals. They can create drugs to study tissues, organs, bones, crystals and other structures. These drugs are used for scientific research, medical diagnostics, education and museum displays.

The Preparatorskaya also plays an important role in the preservation and restoration of historical and cultural artifacts. Preparators can use their skills and knowledge to prepare preparations that help preserve valuable and vulnerable objects such as ancient coins, ancient bones, minerals and other historical artifacts. They can also carry out restoration and conservation work to restore damaged or worn objects to their original condition.

The work of a preparator requires special skills and knowledge in the fields of anatomy, biology, chemistry and technology. Preparators must have attention to detail, technical precision, and good leadership. They should also be familiar with ethical and safety principles, as working with biological materials may pose certain risks.

It is important to note that the preparation room is a place of innovation and constant development. Advances in scientific research and technology require new methods and approaches to the preparation and preservation of drugs. Preparators constantly monitor the latest trends and learn new techniques to stay at the forefront of science and ensure the high quality of their work.

The Preparatorium plays an important role in education and research, providing scientists, students and professionals with access to unique materials and models. Her contribution to medicine, science and culture is invaluable. Thanks to the work of preparators, we can better understand human anatomy, study biological processes and preserve valuable historical objects.

Thus, the preparation room is an indispensable link in the scientific and medical field. Its role in the preparation and preservation of drugs contributes to progress in science and education, as well as the preservation of cultural heritage. The work of preparators requires high precision, specialized knowledge and constant development; their work makes a significant contribution to the knowledge of the world and the preservation of its wealth.