Drugs for swelling of the eyes

Eye swelling is a common problem. The reason may lie in allergies, infection, injury, previous surgery, or poor lifestyle. You can get rid of eye swelling using drops. This may be a universal drug or a medicine of a specific drug group. You need to use eye drops correctly.

Universal eye drops that relieve swelling

Such drugs are appropriate when the cause of ocular swelling is unknown or there are several negative factors at the same time. Universal drops are usually used as symptomatic treatment - they relieve swelling and a number of other unpleasant symptoms, but do not eliminate the cause of their occurrence.


This drug is an α-adrenergic agonist and is based on tetrizoline hydrochloride. Drops provide a vasoconstrictor effect and relieve eye swelling. They begin to act in a minute, the result lasts up to 8 hours.

The drug is used for swelling and hyperemia of the conjunctiva caused by chemical and physical factors or an allergic reaction.

The average cost of Visine (15 ml) is 300 rubles.


These drops are considered antiallergic, but provide a complex effect thanks to three components in the composition: zinc sulfate, naphazoline hydrochloride and diphenhydramine hydrochloride. The combination of these substances provides a vasoconstrictor, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, astringent, and drying effect.

The drug is used for conjunctivitis, eye irritation accompanied by swelling, redness, itching, and foreign body sensation.

Okumetil (10 ml) costs an average of 200 rubles.

Antibacterial drops for eye swelling

Antibacterial drugs in ophthalmology are used to treat various infectious diseases. The patient can be prescribed a broad-spectrum medicine, but it is most effective to first identify the causative agent of the infection in order to select the most effective option in a particular case.

Sulfacyl sodium

The drug is a sulfonamide and is based on sodium sulfacetamide monohydrate. The bacteriostatic effect of the drug applies to gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria: streptococci, pneumococci, gonococci, E. coli, chlamydia, actinomycetes.

When using sodium sulfacyl, most of the drug acts locally, but a certain part of it ends up in the systemic circulation. Drops are used in complex treatment for conjunctivitis, blepharitis, purulent corneal ulcer, gonorrheal and chlamydial eye lesions.

Sulfacyl sodium (5 ml) costs about 65 rubles.


These eye drops belong to the antimicrobial drugs of the fluoroquinolone group. The active substance is ciprofloxacin hydrochloride. The medicine is used for various eye infections, as preoperative prophylaxis, as well as treatment and prevention of infectious complications after injury.

The average cost of Tsiprolet drops (5 ml) is 55 rubles.


The drug belongs to aminoglycosides and is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. Drops are based on tobramycin. They are prescribed for the prevention of postoperative complications and treatment of eye infections: conjunctivitis, blepharitis, keratitis, iridocyclitis.

The cost of Tobrex (5 ml) is on average 175 rubles.


This broad-spectrum antibiotic is based on chloramphenicol. It is used for conjunctivitis, keratitis and blepharitis, if the microorganism that caused them is sensitive to the drug. Drops can be used in children from one month of age.

The cost of Levomycetin (5 ml) is on average 20 rubles.

Anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drops

Drugs in this group provide anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects, which eliminate not only eye swelling, but also other symptoms. NSAIDs inhibit the action of the enzyme cyclooxygenase, which is involved in the production of prostaglandins involved in the development of the inflammatory process.


The medication is based on diclofenac. Drops are used to eliminate swelling caused by infection, injury, or surgery. The maximum concentration of the drug is achieved within half an hour.

The cost of Diklo-F eye drops (5 ml) averages 85 rubles.


These drops are NSAIDs and are based on indomethacin. It inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandins, which relieves pain and inflammation and eliminates the swelling caused by it. Drops are suitable for long-term use, but for no more than a month. The drug is used for treatment and prevention, including after surgery or injury.

The cost of Indocollir (5 ml) is on average 330 rubles.

Antiallergic drops

These drugs are used for symptomatic treatment, as well as the prevention of allergic reactions. In addition to swelling of the eyes, allergies are usually accompanied by itching, watery eyes, and redness. Antiallergic drops can relieve these unpleasant symptoms.

This article will tell you how to choose the right eye drops for allergies.


This drug is based on sodium cromoglycate, is an antiallergic agent and a stabilizer of mast cell membranes. Drops are used for allergic conjunctivitis and keratitis, irritation of the mucous membrane against the background of an allergic reaction. The drug acts most effectively as a prophylactic agent.

Lecrolin (10 ml) costs about 95 rubles.


These antiallergic drops are based on opatanol hydrochloride, a selective inhibitor of H₁-histamine receptors. This substance also provides a blockade of the release of inflammatory mediators from mast cells. The drug has a pronounced antiallergic effect and is prescribed for allergic conjunctivitis.

The cost of Opatanol (5 ml) is about 435 rubles.


This drug is based on azelastine hydrochloride and is a H₁-histamine receptor blocker. The medicine has a strong antiallergic effect and provides a long-lasting effect. Allergodil is prescribed for the treatment and prevention of allergic conjunctivitis, including seasonal ones.

The average cost of the drug (6 ml) is 400 rubles.

Hormonal drops (corticosteroids)

Corticosteroid medications are often used for serious infections and autoimmune diseases. The advantage of corticosteroids is that they have a more pronounced effect. They provide anti-inflammatory, antiallergic and analgesic effects.


This drug is a corticosteroid and is based on dexamethasone. It is prescribed for non-infectious inflammatory processes and allergic reactions. The use of Maxidex is appropriate when the conjunctiva, cornea or anterior segment of the eye is affected.

The average cost of the drug (5 ml) is 265 rubles.


The medicine is based on betamethasone disodium phosphate. The drug provides anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and anti-exudative effects. It is used for severe inflammatory and allergic eye diseases of an acute or chronic nature. Drops are used not only in ophthalmology, but also in ENT practice.

The average cost of Betacortal (5 ml) is 115 rubles.

General rules for using eye drops

You need to use eye drops in accordance with the instructions, since different drugs may have their own application characteristics. Several general rules should also be highlighted:

  1. maintaining hygiene - before using the drops, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly with soap;
  2. During treatment, the use of decorative cosmetics and aggressive agents should be avoided;
  3. if a separate pipette is used to instill the drug, then it must be boiled each time or at least doused with boiling water;
  4. if the drops should be stored in the refrigerator, then they must be taken out an hour before use, otherwise the affected area may become hypothermic and the symptoms may worsen;
  5. when instilling, do not touch the eye with a pipette or dropper;
  6. while instilling the drug, you must lie down or tilt your head back - you must remain in this position for at least a minute after treating the eyes;
  7. when using several drugs in the form of drops simultaneously, wait at least 5 minutes between eye treatments;
  8. strictly follow the dosage regimen prescribed by the doctor or indicated in the instructions - duration of treatment and number of treatments per day;
  9. During treatment, contact lenses should be abandoned, especially for diseases of infectious origin.

Most ophthalmic drops have a shelf life of 2-3 years. This is only valid for unopened medicines. After opening the bottle, the drops can be used for a limited time - usually no more than a month. After this period, the drug cannot be used.

Eye drops are one of the main forms of ophthalmic preparations for topical use. They are used for the treatment and prevention of various diseases, allergic reactions and complications, including those accompanied by eye swelling. Eye drops must be used according to certain rules.


Puffiness and swelling under the eyes is a common phenomenon that every person has to deal with from time to time. Swelling on the face gives a person an unhealthy, flabby appearance, adds age and makes a negative impression in general. Nobody wants to put up with unsightly swelling. But eliminating them is not as easy as it might seem at first glance.

The reasons for the formation of bags can be very different, sometimes it is a temporary, non-threatening cosmetic defect, and sometimes a symptom of a serious pathology affecting internal organs. In the latter case, to remove swelling, you will need diuretics - special drugs of various compositions that stimulate the removal of excess fluid from the body. Any, even the most gentle diuretic for swollen eyes based on medicinal plants should be selected only by a doctor.

For information: some patients, due to their own negligence or lack of time, do not attach much importance to swelling and bags around the eyes, but simply mask them with cosmetics. Often the swelling subsides on its own in the evening, and the person stops worrying until it occurs again. This behavior can lead to very serious consequences and complications. If swelling bothers you regularly, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible, find out the cause and select the necessary treatment.

Why does swelling occur?

To choose a truly effective remedy for puffy eyes, you first need to find out what causes this phenomenon. The skin under and around the eyes is very thin and sensitive. It needs constant hydration, quickly dries out under the influence of external factors, easily loses its tone and becomes wrinkled prematurely due to insufficient nutrition.

But under the thin skin there is loose fatty tissue. It has high hygroscopic properties, that is, it intensively absorbs moisture and retains it. If, under the influence of any factors, the balance of fluid in the body is disturbed, tissues of a similar structure are immediately filled with moisture. Visually, this manifests itself as swelling of the upper and lower eyelids.

Factors that provoke the formation of bags under the eyes can be divided into two large categories: pathological and non-pathological. Non-pathological ones include:

  1. Excessive consumption of salt and salty foods, especially before bed.
  2. Abuse of alcoholic beverages - alcohol can initially act as a diuretic, but then, on the contrary, it absorbs and retains fluid in the tissues.
  3. Eye strain during any work, even, at first glance, imperceptible, chronic fatigue.
  4. Reaction to aggressive external stimuli - polluted, smoky air, chemical fumes, ultraviolet radiation, wind, chlorinated or sea water, etc.
  5. Prolonged crying.

The main pathological provoking factors are as follows:

  1. Allergic reaction to food, medications; external irritants, dust, plant pollen, animal hair, etc.
  2. Any inflammatory processes of the organs of vision.
  3. Congenital abnormalities in the development of eye structures, in particular the upper and lower eyelids.
  4. Lymph circulation disorders.
  5. Diseases of internal organs and systems that can affect the circulation of fluid in the body and its elimination.
  6. Oncological pathologies.
  7. Injuries to the organs of vision.

If swelling occurs only occasionally and is caused by non-pathological causes, then serious pharmaceutical decongestants are not needed. It is enough to adjust your daily routine and diet, give up bad habits if possible - and the swelling will go away on its own. Gentle diuretic folk remedies for swelling under the eyes will help speed up the process.

If the swelling on the face takes on a permanent, chronic nature, accompanied by swelling in the arms and legs, you will need a more radical remedy for swelling - tablets, drops or special herbs with a pronounced diuretic effect. Only a doctor can tell you which ones after a comprehensive examination - after all, when treating one problem, it is important not to harm other organs and not to add new ones.

When are serious diuretics needed?

If a person had fun all night at a party with friends or simply drank a lot of liquid before going to bed, the next morning he may be upset by noticeable swelling under the eyes. Naturally, everyone wants to quickly remove ugly bags, especially if they have to go to work or an important event. But you should not do this with the help of potent diuretics. All tablets from this group have a number of contraindications and side effects; they may eliminate one-time swelling, but at the same time they can disrupt some functions of internal organs.

Pharmacy medications with active ingredients are needed in the following cases:

  1. The swelling does not decrease throughout the day; on the contrary, in the evening swelling appears on the arms and legs too.
  2. The swelling becomes larger over time and spreads to the cheekbones.
  3. The bags take on a dark color.
  4. Due to edema, a noticeable narrowing of the palpebral fissure develops (in severe cases, edema provokes displacement of the eyeball).

With such symptoms, effective medications are needed to eliminate edema, but first you need to diagnose and accurately determine the cause. And only a professional doctor can do this. As a rule, constant swelling under the eyes is not an independent pathology, but only a consequence of a malfunction of any internal organs and systems. It is imperative to establish which ones and carry out appropriate treatment. Otherwise, even the best and most expensive diuretic will not help. The problem will be solved, but not for long, and over time the swelling will bother you again.

Review of the most popular diuretic drugs

Pharmacies offer a fairly wide selection of diuretic drugs that help remove excess fluid from the body, and therefore relieve swelling under the eyes. But the most effective of them are sold only by prescription and have a number of serious contraindications, so starting a course of treatment on your own is strictly not recommended.

  1. Furosemide. A classic diuretic with a quick effect. It is prescribed only by a doctor in cases where it is urgently necessary to eliminate severe swelling. For adults, the drug is prescribed in a strictly limited dosage: half a tablet once a day. Furosemide is not prescribed for children, adolescents, pregnant and lactating women, and elderly people.
  2. Veroshpiron. This medicine also helps get rid of persistent and severe swelling, but does not act as quickly as the previous one. It is prescribed to adults, one tablet per day.
  3. Trifas. A fairly effective diuretic that helps remove excess fluid from the body. But at the same time it has much fewer side effects and contraindications. Trifas does not affect metabolic processes and does not wash away calcium along with urine. The drug is prescribed depending on the severity of the condition, 1–4 tablets per day. The maximum effect is achieved 12 hours after the first dose.

Traditional medicine

Pharmacy medications are not the only remedies for puffiness under the eyes; there are more gentle and affordable ways to restore a healthy and beautiful appearance. Many patients with problems with the urinary system, accompanied by edema, prefer to use medicinal herbs or a mixture of them.

Diuretic herbs for puffiness under the eyes can be collected and prepared for future use yourself during the spring, summer and autumn seasons. But only if you know exactly which ones you need and are confident in their environmental friendliness. Or you can buy already dry preparations in herbal pharmacies - it’s easier, faster and more reliable. Here are the recipes recommended by traditional medicine against edema:

  1. Shepherd's purse. A large spoonful of dry and crushed herbs should be poured with a glass of boiling water, covered, and left for half an hour. Then strain and drink warm in one go. To achieve the desired diuretic effect, it is recommended to drink three such servings throughout the day, preferably before meals. The course of treatment continues until the swelling is completely eliminated.
  2. Diuretic mixture with chicory and mint. First you need to prepare a mixture of medicinal herbs. To do this, mint, chicory, yarrow, dill and nettle are combined in equal quantities. Pour a glass of boiling water over a spoon of the resulting mixture, cover tightly and leave for twenty minutes. The resulting drink can be drunk immediately or divided into two or three servings and drunk as tea every two hours. It is recommended to drink at least two such servings per day; you can sweeten the medicine with honey.
  3. Diuretic mixture with rose hips and St. John's wort. To prepare the mixture, St. John's wort, nettle, crushed rose hips, bearberry and plantain are combined in equal proportions. A large heaped spoonful of the resulting herbal mixture is placed in a thermos, poured with two glasses of boiling water, closed and left for half an hour. The resulting infusion is filtered and drunk throughout the day.
  4. Bearberry. An effective diuretic tea is prepared from this medicine. All you need is to mix a spoonful of bearberry with half a spoonful of black or green tea without flavorings or additives. The mixture is poured with a glass of boiling water, covered and left for ten to fifteen minutes. The finished medicine should be taken half an hour before meals.
  5. Lingonberry leaves. Lingonberry tea is suitable for the treatment of edema in children and adolescents, as it tastes good and has a very gentle effect. But first, you should definitely consult a pediatrician or family doctor. To prepare, just pour a glass of boiling water over a tablespoon of crushed leaves and leave for twenty minutes. You can drink this tea with honey, then it will be even healthier.

To enhance the effect of infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs, you can make eye masks. The easiest way to reduce swelling is to apply cold compresses. It is not recommended to use ice, since the skin around the eyes is very thin and sensitive, the capillaries are located close to the surface. Instead of a refreshed, rejuvenated face, you can get a completely different result. It is better to apply cotton sponges soaked in ice water.

A good home remedy for puffy eyes is a paste of parsley stems and leaves. Fresh greens are washed, shaken, then chopped and crushed in a mortar. The pulp is spread on gauze, a bag is formed and applied to the eyes for 20 minutes. Such compresses help get rid of not only swelling, but also bruises under the eyes and redness of the mucous membrane and whites of the eyes. Similarly, you can use raw potatoes, agave leaves, and fresh cucumber.

Just as there are foods and drinks that help retain fluid in the body, there are also those that help remove it. In the summer season, watermelons will help out. This is a natural and very effective diuretic with virtually no contraindications. There are even special watermelon diets, but they should be carried out only after the approval of a doctor and under constant medical supervision.

Other foods that have a diuretic effect:

  1. Ground cucumbers (greenhouse cucumbers from the supermarket are not suitable). They should be eaten grated with the peel, without salt or other spices.
  2. Dill, leaf lettuce - fresh herbs can be added to cucumbers and prepared a healthy salad.
  3. Black currant - this berry is useful not only as a diuretic, but also as a source of vitamins necessary for good vision.
  4. Pumpkin is best raw.
  5. Celery. Fresh juice from celery, cucumber and herbs will be very useful against puffiness under the eyes. It is better to drink it in the morning on an empty stomach. Additionally, this cocktail will perfectly cleanse the intestines.
  6. Fermented milk liquid products - kefir, fermented baked milk, low-fat yogurt. They are also drunk in a glass in the morning on an empty stomach.

Folk remedies, diet, and proper rest will actually help get rid of swelling. But don't expect quick results. To restore normal fluid metabolism in the body, it will take time, exactly how much depends in most cases on the patient himself, his willpower and desire to look young and healthy.

Summary: swelling under the eyes can occur for various reasons, sometimes it is a temporary phenomenon that does not require drug treatment. It is enough to adjust your daily routine, diet and habits to get rid of swelling on your face. But swelling can also be symptoms of serious problems in the functioning of internal organs. If their formation is associated with dysfunctions of the urinary system, diuretics - pharmaceutical or folk ones - will help. Any of them should be prescribed only by a doctor after a thorough examination of the patient. It is not advisable to take diuretics if edema is associated with pathologies of the endocrine or cardiovascular system.

your perfect makeup

Puffy eyes, swollen eyelids - all this spoils the appearance. Perhaps the reason is fatigue or prolonged eye strain. Age-related changes also contribute to the appearance of edema. Swelling may indicate the presence of a disease in the body. After establishing the cause, you need to start fighting with the use of drugs for eye swelling.

Causes of swelling

What causes swelling is not always immediately clear. A “single” case and regular swelling will have different causes, but the problem can easily become chronic. So it’s still better to clarify this problem with a specialist.

Most often, only one eyelid swells - the upper or lower. There are more reasons why eyes and eyelids swell than one might think.

  1. eye damage;
  2. allergy;
  3. fatigue;
  4. excess salt in the body;
  5. cold;
  6. diseased kidneys;
  7. problems with the thyroid gland;
  8. weak venous outflow;
  9. eating excessive quantities of smoked, salty, fatty and spicy foods;
  10. alcohol abuse;
  11. coffee abuse
  12. a hearty dinner before bed

What will help you get fit in the morning?

Nutrition. In the absence of particularly painful swelling and obvious pathologies in the body, it is quite possible to reduce swelling by adjusting your diet and lifestyle. You need to have dinner at least 3-4 hours before bedtime and do not drink liquid for 3 hours. At the same time, dinner itself should not be heavy.

Try studying your diet. Many foods and drinks have the ability to trap excess fluid in your body, such as salt and preservatives. It is necessary to reduce the number of such products. The best liquid to drink is plain water.

It is a known fact that drinking alcohol interferes with the removal of fluid from the body, which means it causes morning swelling.

Daily regime. Need to get enough sleep. Lack of sleep is noticeable under the eyes. The ideal would be to go to bed early and get up early in the morning. If you rest until lunch, you will also look tired.

Before going to bed, do not apply a nourishing and moisturizing cream to the area around the eyes, otherwise the eyelids will swell in the morning.


You can go to the pharmacy and buy medications for puffy eyes. For example, diuretics. But it’s better to first see a doctor and get a prescription so as not to harm yourself with self-medication. The doctor will determine the cause of the swelling. It may be more serious than poor diet and overwork. Then folk remedies will not be enough.

There are tablets, the use of which leads to a strong diuretic effect. The result is dehydration and exhaustion of the body. Along with urine, the body will leave the microelements it needs. Including potassium and magnesium. This can lead to a malfunction of the cardiovascular and other systems.

Therefore, while taking diuretic medications, you should take vitamins and mineral complexes. They will make up for the deficiency formed in the body. If you frequently take diuretics, be sure to include potassium-rich foods in your diet.

Champions of its content:

  1. fresh cabbage;
  2. milk;
  3. garlic;
  4. bananas;
  5. baked potato.

Masks made from products that are always on hand help relieve eyelid puffiness. For example - one part of finely chopped parsley plus two parts of sour cream, mix under the eyes for half an hour. You can brew chamomile tea, soak cotton pads in it and place it on your lower eyelids before bed for 15-20 minutes. These procedures need to be done regularly.

If you decide to take diuretics at your own discretion, and not as prescribed by a doctor, you can harm yourself, since the cause of edema may be pathological.

Local impact

The cause of swelling, bruises, and dark circles under the eyes can be trivial - age. The skin around the eyes is too thin and sensitive and is therefore most susceptible to aging. Hormonal changes in the body and weakening of sexual functions have a negative impact on the skin around the eyes. Many women wisely delay the moment of aging and turn to medicine for help. With the help of procedures, the skin around the eyes is rejuvenated and you look great.

Mesotherapy for eyes against swelling is a procedure using special preparations to restore the skin. The procedure is performed using injections with a thin needle into points around the eyes. The composition of the drug is a mixture.


  1. hyaluronic acid;
  2. pharmaceutical and homeopathic preparations;
  3. minerals.

These drugs differ in properties, degree of impact and interaction of its components with each other. The composition of the drug is carefully selected separately for each woman. The condition of the skin must be taken into account, sensitivity and the presence of allergies are clarified.

Medicines are divided into:

  1. fixed assets,
  2. auxiliary means.

Basic remedies fight the cause of edema. Auxiliary products activate blood flow and include vitamins and antioxidants. Metabolic processes in cells are activated, swelling disappears, just as the hated “crow’s feet” disappear, and there is no trace left of dark circles and bags.

Mesotherapy is carried out using painkillers and lasts 15-20 minutes. In order to achieve an excellent result, the procedure must be repeated 5-7 times, once a week - ten days.

There are no age restrictions. The price of the procedure is quite acceptable for everyone. Non-toxic. There is some pain during the injection, but the small sacrifice is worth it. Adverse reactions are minor and disappear after 3-4 days.

After the procedure, you should use warm, not hot water when washing your face for 7-10 days. Refuse to visit the beach, solarium, sauna. Wear dark glasses to protect yourself from bright sunlight, do not rub your eyes, and put aside decorative cosmetics for a while. Drinking alcohol before or immediately after can reduce or destroy the expected result of the procedure.

It is important. Many professional cosmetologists do not recommend using Botox around the eyes, since the muscle is blocked and the outflow of fluid in this area is disrupted. The result is constant swelling.

Mesotherapy for eyes for swelling, dark circles, bruises, wrinkles, etc. using special preparations, it must be done by professionals and only by professionals. They will take into account everything that is contraindicated for your body and will not cause you any harm.

Traditional methods of getting rid of edema

There are available methods to combat edema. You can speed up the process of removing excess fluid from the body. Special herbal teas and some familiar products help with this perfectly.

To do this, you need to add foods to your diet such as:

  1. watermelon;
  2. parsley;
  3. celery;
  4. onion;
  5. garlic;
  6. black currant;
  7. pumpkin;
  8. any fermented milk products.

Remember. You need to consume foods with a diuretic effect long before bedtime, otherwise the water will not come out and you will sleep.

You can prepare a decoction of rose hips or the following herbs:

These simple plants are excellent remedies for puffy eyes. It will not help only if the problem is a consequence of pathologies. However, several cups of this tea will definitely not harm the body.

The decoction must be freshly prepared. Herbal infusions spoil very quickly and you can get food poisoning. Also consider your susceptibility to allergies.


Making the decision to make yourself more beautiful and younger is important and necessary. Seeing a doctor to determine the cause of swelling is not difficult. Going through the necessary procedures is available to everyone. The result is a fresh face, shining eyes, a smile from the realization of one’s own attractiveness. And then what difference does it make what age numbers are indicated in the passport!