Preparations containing hyaluronic acid

Hyaluronic acid for the face is widely used in cosmetology in the form of various preparations. It is included in creams, serums and lotions, is used as a special tonic and can be found not only in face and neck skin care products, but also in body creams and shower gels, in shampoos and hair conditioners, even in decorative cosmetics. In addition, hyaluronic acid is actively used for cosmetic procedures - biorevitalization, mesotherapy, injections for lip augmentation and wrinkle correction.

This substance has a huge impact on the condition of the skin, and preparations based on it are very popular among buyers due to their effectiveness.


What is hyaluronic acid and what are its benefits for the skin?

Hyaluronic acid is a biological substance that is found in the human body in various tissues, for example, in the skin or synovial fluid, in saliva, in a word, wherever fluid is present. This acid has the unique property of retaining water, so a decrease in the body’s own production of hyaluronic acid with age leads to increased dryness and sagging skin, brittle hair, problems with mobility of joints and other components of the human skeletal system.

Based on hyaluronic acid, effective moisturizers, face and body creams, and eye products are created that help moisturize dry eyelid skin and get rid of fine wrinkles.

But there are other drugs intended for injection. They help the acid penetrate deep into the skin and better restore it, filling and straightening wrinkles. Injections of the drug to enlarge lips are based on the property of hyaluronic acid to enlarge the area of ​​tissue into which it was injected. At the moment, this is the best option on how to use modern drugs to change the size and shape of the lips without causing such harm to the appearance as, for example, when using silicone.

You can buy creams and preparations with hyaluronic acid at pharmacies and in regular cosmetic stores; they are available in various price categories and in a variety of forms - from tonic to cream and mask.

In Asia, hyaluron is wildly popular and is considered almost an obligatory product in a beauty ritual. Basically, slightly sticky transparent lotions similar to ordinary water are used, which are applied under basic care, preparing the skin for subsequent exposure. Gradually, these products are becoming popular in our country, as they are very effective and give a quick noticeable effect.



Pharmaceutical preparations with hyaluronic acid

Nowadays, hyaluronic acid is very common in pharmaceutical preparations, since this component is very popular and in demand, effective and useful. Most often you can find face creams that contain this substance in varying percentages, as well as preparations containing hyaluronic acid and intended for injection.

Pharmacy ointments with hyaluronic acid can also be useful if for some reason it is not possible to purchase a cream or gel with this substance. A striking example is Curiosin, an effective acne remedy containing hyaluronic acid. Its use as a night cream has a peculiarity - the course should be at least 3 months for complete renewal and rejuvenation of the skin.

In some cases, pharmaceutical ointments for wrinkles are more effective than creams; you just need to use them correctly. Their effectiveness is mainly due to the high percentage of hyaluronic acid.

Cosmetic pharmaceutical products can be summarized in a very long and extensive list. It will include both very accessible and inexpensive domestically produced drugs, as well as more expensive drugs from well-known and trusted brands:

  1. Liftactiv Retinol from Vichy, France. These popular pharmaceutical anti-wrinkle products come in a series of 3 products and are distinguished by a dense texture with good absorption.
  2. Libriderm. The domestic series of hyaluronic cosmetics includes effective creams and serums with hyaluronic acid, which, at a low cost, have a significant effect of strengthening and rejuvenating the skin.
  3. Evelyn. Another option for cheap cosmetics with good properties.
  4. Merz. The cosmetic product from a popular pharmaceutical brand has a rare texture - it is a foam that bubbles on the face and is absorbed without forming a film. This pharmacy cosmetics is used for hypersensitive facial skin.
  5. Bark. The entire series of this cosmetics from Russia literally created a sensation among users with its high performance.
  6. Laura. The fortified cream from this brand improves the condition of the skin, moisturizes and nourishes it, restores the lipid layer and ideal balance.
  7. D'Oliva. The German brand is proud of its natural ingredients. The light, semi-liquid cream contains hyaluronic acid, urea, olive oil and other beneficial ingredients. Can be used on all skin types day and night.
  8. Aquanti from Novosvit. This is a very light cream, perfect for the hot season, containing hyaluronic acid and collagen. It quickly refreshes and nourishes the skin, restores turgor and creates a thin film that prevents increased evaporation of moisture, which is especially important in summer.

These are just one of many pharmaceutical products that contain hyaluron and can be used for facial skin. In fact, there are many more of them, so any woman can easily choose the right care for herself.


Recipes for homemade masks with hyaluronic acid

There are many different ways to use hyaluronic acid at home, it is important to know how to prepare and apply the mixture. You can use either ready-made preparations or make masks with hyaluronic acid from powder, or use the popular Asian technique - moisten special non-woven masks in hyaluronic lotion with a watery structure or special soft and thin puffs and apply to a cleansed face. This enhanced version of introducing the drug into the upper layers of the skin gives a quick refreshing and rejuvenating effect, removes signs of fatigue, dehydration, dryness and flaking, improves and evens out the complexion.

To create a mask with hyaluronic acid and collagen, you can use a special powder purchased at a pharmacy or online store. It is diluted with boiled water just above room temperature and always left to swell (2 g of powder per 30 ml of water). There should be no lumps in the finished composition, so it must be thoroughly mixed. This preparation is stored in the refrigerator and is used for masks on the face, neck and décolleté.

But if it is not possible to buy a dry preparation, you need to try to find something to replace hyaluronic acid at home. You can use pharmaceutical preparations, for example, the well-known and popular Lidaza - it is a derivative of hyaluronic acid, so it can be used for direct application under cream instead of serum or tonic, and also to impregnate fabric face masks with it.

In the same way, you can use a pharmaceutical preparation of aloe for injection, the effect will be no worse. For thin and sensitive skin under the eyes, you can use the ophthalmic agent Blepharogel No. 1, which also contains hyaluronic acid. Patches under the eyes are soaked in it and held on like a mask.

You can equally successfully use a homemade analogue of hyaluronic acid - aloe juice. If you squeeze thick gel-like juice from fresh leaves and apply it as a mask, the effect will be wonderful - the plant contains not only moisturizing substances, but also biologically active substances that reduce signs of aging, as well as anti-inflammatory and healing agents. The result of using aloe is clean, fresh and tightened skin without the slightest sign of dryness.

What are the benefits of using hyaluronic acid?

There are many ways to use this effective substance. If desired, you can enlarge your lips with hyaluronic acid; today this is the safest and reversible method, since over time the acid dissolves and the enlargement effect gradually fades away.

To enhance the introduction of the product into the skin, you can use specialized preparations intended for injection. With them you can quickly achieve noticeable facial rejuvenation, since the injections deliver acid into the deep layers of the skin, making it denser. As a result, wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin is saturated with moisture and looks fresh and rested, and the complexion becomes much better.

For those who are afraid of injections, we can recommend a mesoroller, which is used with special mesotherapy products containing hyaluronic acid. This procedure can also hardly be called very pleasant, but it is much more effective than simply applying gel or cream with hyaluronic acid to the face or body.

Nowadays they even do facial contouring with hyaluronic acid, which gives a softer and more natural result, visually making you 10-15 years younger.

But the superficial use of such means also has significant benefits. With their help, you can remove severe dryness and flaking of the skin, fine wrinkles and sagging, and obtain the effect of general rejuvenation. If you purchase a lifting cream with hyaluronic acid, the effect of use will be even greater - the combined preparation will not only saturate the skin with moisture, but also tighten it, make it smoother and fresher, improve turgor and elasticity. There is a great future for hyaluronic acid in cosmetics.

Existing contraindications, potential harm and side effects

Hyaluronic acid is a biologically active substance. Despite its natural nature, it can provoke allergies, and in some people, at the beginning of use, it causes skin rashes, redness and other negative manifestations. This mainly happens when using Asian hyaluronic lotions, since their concentration of active substance is much higher than in conventional creams and other care products. Usually, over time, the skin “gets used to” and stops reacting painfully to the use of the drug, and it itself brings a noticeable effect of refreshment and rejuvenation.

The main side effect can be considered not the use of hyaluronic acid itself, but the fact that this requires injections in the face. Injections are associated with skin damage, the possibility of infection, and the procedure is quite painful. That is why it is necessary to perform injections with hyaluronic acid for the face using the highest quality preparations from a very experienced and completely trustworthy cosmetologist.

We must also remember that the production of this drug is quite expensive, so inexpensive ampoules of hyaluronic acid that promise fabulous instant rejuvenation should be taken with a certain degree of skepticism. In general, the potential harm from acid use depends on which method of administration is chosen and who performs the procedure. Even the highest quality drug, for example, for lip augmentation, if administered incorrectly, can lead to a number of negative consequences. Surface application is the safest, but also the least effective, although useful, method.

The following contraindications exist for using the product:

  1. Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  2. Presence of infectious diseases.
  3. Damage to the skin at the site of acid application.
  4. Recently performed deep facial peeling or laser resurfacing.
  5. Skin coagulation disorders.

All contraindications and potential side effects must be taken into account when carrying out various manipulations with hyaluronic acid.


What is the difference between Botox, collagen and hyaluronic acid, and which is better?

It is impossible to say unequivocally that any of the above is undoubtedly better, if only because all three means have a different focus, and therefore the result.

The use of preparations with collagen helps to tighten the skin of the face and make it more elastic and dense; the effect of Botox is associated with a kind of “freezing” of the muscles underlying wrinkles. Due to the fact that under the influence of botulinum toxin the muscle temporarily stops acting and contracting, the skin overlying it does not gather in folds and wrinkles are smoothed out.

Hyaluronic acid is used to saturate the skin with moisture and restore its youthful appearance. Although all three methods are aimed at a single goal - rejuvenation and “erasing” wrinkles from the face, they act in different directions and using different methods.

Numerous positive reviews prove that procedures with hyaluronic acid are effective and have a pronounced effect, which, however, does not last forever and requires regular renewal. Hyaluronic acid is especially useful for dry, dehydrated and aging skin - it restores the structure of such skin, moisture saturation removes sagging and dryness, the face looks much younger and fresher.

The use of hyaluronic acid in cosmetics is very promising; this substance can already be found in various cosmetic preparations, from care products to decorative cosmetics. Proper use of preparations with this substance is one of the ways to preserve the beauty and youth of the skin.


Many people suffer from diseases of the joints and the musculoskeletal system in general, which leads to the question: how to treat all this, and what determines the success of therapy. Most experts agree that most joint problems can be solved with hyaluronic acid. What is it and how is hyaluronic acid useful for joints?

Hyaluronic acid: description

It is important to know! Doctors are shocked: “An effective and affordable remedy for joint pain exists.” Read more.

One of the main substances involved in the structure and function of joints is hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronic acid (hyaluronan, hyaluronate) - this complex biochemical substance was first obtained in the 20th century from the bull's eye, and is the main component in the body for: joint lubrication (synovial fluid), blood, saliva and much more. About 15 g of hyaluronic acid is constantly present in the human body. The main source of hyaluron in the human body is nutrition.


The body obtains hyaluronic acid mostly from certain bacteria, as well as from natural sources:

  1. meat products and dishes - stewed meat (with cartilage), boiled meat, cartilage by-products (chicken feet, scallops, etc.), meat broth, jellied meat;
  2. foods high in starch - potatoes, beets, radishes, squash;
  3. cereals - rice, buckwheat, lentils, corn;
  4. legumes - peas, beans, soybeans.


Hyaluronic acid plays a very important role for a person and his joints, being responsible for the viscosity of synovial fluid, ensuring sufficient sliding of cartilage for mobility, flexibility and elasticity of the joint itself. This substance is involved in the nutrition of joint elements and helps maintain joint mobility even with a high percentage of destruction. Retaining water in cartilage is also one of the main tasks of hyaluronic acid, which increases the elasticity and flexibility of the joint. Hyaluron also helps the skin maintain its elasticity and youth by stimulating collagen production. With age, the production of hyaluronate in the body noticeably decreases, this can be seen in the condition of the skin and joints.

Hyaluron injections are successfully used in cosmetology to restore the elasticity and health of the skin of the face and body. Hyaluron is included in facial moisturizers because it is able to attract moisture from the air.


Treatment of joints with hyaluronic acid

People with joint problems due to illness or age may need treatment. Quite often, problems that require hyaluron injections are diseases of the knee joints. Treatment of knees with hyaluronic acid involves the use of drugs containing an analogue of hyaluron. These drugs make it possible to replenish hyaluron deficiency in various ways and reduce the consequences of joint destruction. When using hyaluron substitutes, the flexibility and elasticity of the joints is restored, and knee pain goes away, including when moving. An injection of hyaluronic acid must be carried out under sterile conditions by a qualified specialist, because there is a certain risk of infection.

There are different types of uses for these drugs:

  1. injection;
  2. oral (ingestion);
  3. ointments.


Each case and degree of joint destruction requires its own approach, but the most effective is considered to be injecting hyaluronic acid directly into the joint capsule, and ointments are recognized only as an auxiliary agent. Doctors do not recommend taking medications containing hyaluronate for oral administration, since these drugs are not able to give the required result and are only biologically active additives.

Intra-articular injections of hyaluron replenish the amount of joint lubrication, increase its viscosity, soften the cartilage, thereby ensuring freer mobility of the joint. They provide nutrition to chondrocytes (cartilage), that is, the liquid implant prevents further destruction of the joint. Due to all the above aspects of the use of hyaluron, mobility is fully restored.

Treatment procedure

The clinic where you plan to have intra-articular injections of hyaluron should be chosen with special care, being interested in both reviews of the hospital itself and reviews of its staff.


The procedure itself for treating joints with hyaluronic acid is a simple diagnosis of the disease itself and the prescription of the necessary procedures. There are the most common indications for an injection course of treatment with hyaluron.

Usually the doctor prescribes hyaluron injections into the joint, since this is the only method that gives a complete result. Intra-articular injections of hyaluronic acid are made using a syringe included in the kit supplied with the drug. The injection procedure itself is a proven technique; difficulties exist only with injections into the hip joint, but they are not a serious problem because they are carried out under X-ray control.


Even “advanced” joint problems can be cured at home! Just remember to apply this once a day.

Most often, a rheumatologist prescribes a standard course of treatment - 3-5 injections of the drug approximately once a week, the break between courses is from one month to six months, depending on the prescribed drug and the patient’s condition. In some cases, the rheumatologist prescribes preliminary treatment, for example, for joint inflammation. Usually this treatment is not long-term, and after completing the course of injections the condition is beyond praise.

There is no need to worry about injecting medication since hyaluronic acid is a natural substance in the body.

Possible side effects and contraindications

Although hyaluronic acid is a natural substance in the body, sometimes side effects occur from the introduction of drugs of this group into the joint capsule, which is caused by a minor, but still, intervention. Hyaluronic acid preparations for joints are the most advanced treatment that helps nourish the joint and restore the possibility of an active lifestyle. Side effects that occur after the injection do not cause serious harm.


  1. Itching or burning (the administration of the specific drug is discontinued).
  2. Hemorrhage into the joint capsule.
  3. Bruise at the injection site.

All side effects are eliminated by applying an ice compress to the injection site, with the exception of allergic reactions.

There are various nuances according to which you should not try to carry out the injection procedure yourself. The complexity of the procedure requires medical qualifications and a certain level of accuracy. These nuances also include side effects when using these drugs and existing contraindications.

  1. allergic reaction to the drug itself and its components;
  2. skin damage at the injection site;
  3. dermatological contraindications;
  4. rheumatoid arthritis;
  5. childhood;
  6. Bekhterev's disease;
  7. pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  8. acute inflammatory processes (both general and directly to the joint).


Hyaluronic acid for joints: price, types

Preparations containing hyaluronic acid are available in three forms: tablets or capsules, ointments and solution for injection. They are produced both in Russia and abroad. They all differ in price; the formulas of many global companies are absolutely identical. In our country, you can find the following injection drugs in pharmacies, which contain sodium hyaluronate:

  1. domestic - Intraject Hyaluform (3550 rub.), Giastat (2250 rub.);


  2. Germany and Austria - Viskosil (8580 rubles), Ostenil (1800-22000 rubles), Sinokrom (2300-5200 rubles);


  3. USA - Duralan SJ (9900-15000 rubles), Sinswisk (23000 rubles);


  1. Great Britain and Ireland - Fermatron (3300 rubles), Suplazin (1850-11000 rubles);


  2. Italy - Gialgan Fidia (4000-6600 rubles);


  3. Sweden - ViskoPlus (6300-6750 rub.);


  4. Ukraine - Hyalual Artro (5150 rub.);


  5. Japan - Adant (1300-1600 rubles);


  6. South Korea - Hyalux (4300 rub.); Giruan Plus (RUB 5,500-14,000).


Doctors do not recommend using drugs in capsules and tablets, because no studies have been conducted on their effectiveness, and ointments are an addition to the injection form of treatment, since they themselves do not bring the desired effect.

Reviews about the use of injections with hyaluronic acid

Rheumatologist Igor Vasilievich

Despite the highest effectiveness of these drugs, different pharmaceutical companies produce a product of different quality, even with an identical formula. The individual reaction of each patient as a result of use can be completely unpredictable. The highest quality result can be achieved only if the intra-articular injection is administered by a qualified rheumatologist and the patient understands that all doctor’s instructions must be followed.

Margarita, 51 years old:

I have been suffering from osteoarthritis for many years, and the pain in my joints almost never stops. My son, a licensed doctor, convinced me to take a course of hyaluronic acid injections. The course took a month, and the effect surprised me very pleasantly. I feel almost no pain, my mobility has completely returned, and the stiffness in my movements in the morning has disappeared. I am absolutely satisfied with the result and, if everything happens again, I am ready to take this course again. The only negative point is its cost: the entire course of treatment cost more than 20,000 rubles.

Nikolay, 71 years old:

The effectiveness of the drug cannot be the subject of dispute. My knee joints suffer, and I took a course of injections. However, this technique kept me on my feet for only two months. I'm terribly disappointed, I was expecting a much longer result. At the same time, I am going to undergo this procedure again, having selected a more suitable drug and more reliable doctors.

Each person responds differently to the method of treating joints with hyaluronic acid. Intra-articular injections of hyaluronate can lift a person to his feet, and even eliminate the possibility of further development of rheumatological problems.


Each treatment method has its downsides, and this type is no exception. However, for most people, hyaluronic acid helps get rid of problems, if not forever, then at least for a long period. In each individual case, the result may not be entirely satisfactory, but for many this is the only way out for problems with the musculoskeletal system.

How to forget about joint pain?

  1. Joint pain limits your movements and full life...
  2. You are worried about discomfort, crunching and systematic pain...
  3. You may have tried a bunch of medications, creams and ointments...
  4. But judging by the fact that you are reading these lines, they did not help you much...

But orthopedist Valentin Dikul claims that a truly effective remedy for joint pain exists! Read more >>>

In the fight against age-related changes, women use all kinds of means. Thus, cosmetic preparations and injections with hyaluronic acid give firmness and elasticity to the skin, nourish and moisturize the dermis. Tablets containing this biological substance do not have such an immediate result: it takes time and compliance with certain rules for the drug to work.

What is hyaluronic acid

In 1950, a gel-like substance without taste, color or odor was discovered in the vitreous body of the eye. Scientists have found that this naturally occurring polysaccharide has excellent properties - attracting and retaining water. Thanks to this, the epidermis is in a healthy and elastic state. Hyaluronic acid (hyaluronate, hyaluronan) is directly produced by the human body: it is found in the blood, lymph, bones, epidermis, saliva, and cornea of ​​the eye.

With age, the level of its production decreases. This causes the skin to become dehydrated and sagging. The polymer substance acts as a biological lubricant, participates in regenerative processes, moisturizes the skin, and increases tissue tone. If there is a lack of hyaluronic acid:

  1. joint mobility suffers;
  2. the dermis becomes dehydrated and dry;
  3. wrinkles appear;
  4. the contour of the face loses clarity;
  5. intraocular pressure increases;
  6. vision weakens.

Functions of hyaluronic acid

According to the results of the study, 1 molecule of hyaluronate saves 500 molecules of fluid. This ensures youth and health of the body both outside and inside. The biological polymer weakens the negative effects of adverse factors, poor nutrition, stress, and overload. Hyaluronic acid:

  1. saturates cells with moisture;
  2. strengthens joints and bones;
  3. provokes the production of elastin and collagen;
  4. improves blood circulation;
  5. maintains water balance;
  6. accelerates metabolic processes;
  7. increases the amount of biological lubricant;
  8. protects against viruses;
  9. destroys free radicals;
  10. restores the functioning of the sebaceous glands.


Indications for the use of tablets with hyaluronic acid

A young body produces the required amount of hyaluronic acid. Experts recommend taking hyaluronate tablets for women over 30 years of age. Indications for use include:

  1. prevention of age-related changes;
  2. treatment of eye diseases (myopia, farsightedness, cataracts);
  3. neutralization of inflammatory processes;
  4. normalization of water balance;
  5. deep wrinkles;
  6. oncological tumors;
  7. skin that has lost its elasticity.

Popular tablets with hyaluronic acid

Pharmaceutical manufacturers offer a whole series of products containing hyaluronic acid: in pure form, in the form of gel, serum, cream, in combination with vitamins and microelements. The injection is administered only by a specialist, while you can take the tablets yourself. The biological substance provides hydration, gives elasticity to the skin turgor and prolongs youth.

The tablets from the Russian manufacturer Evalar contain hyaluronic acid, which fills the skin with moisture and improves collagen synthesis. Other Ingredients:

  1. peptide complexes have a rejuvenating effect;
  2. phospholipids moisturize tissues and regulate pH levels;
  3. vitamin E provides a protective reaction;
  4. vitamin C promotes the healing of wounds, scars, stimulates collagen synthesis;
  5. wild yam extract regulates the level of subcutaneous sebum proteins.

The dietary supplement Laura improves complexion, increases the tone of the epidermis, and smoothes wrinkles. The drug rejuvenates the body, strengthens the immune system and regulates hormonal balance. The dietary supplement should be taken with meals once a day for a month. You can buy tablets at a pharmacy for 300 rubles.


An additional source of essential substances for humans are vitamins with hyaluronic acid and collagen Нyaluronic acid from Solgar. The drug also contains:

  1. vitamin C (provides antioxidant protection);
  2. chondroitin sulfate (prevents joint wear);
  3. glycerol;
  4. silica;
  5. Magnesium stearate.

Нyaluronic acid improves health, adds strength, and has a visible cosmetic effect. 1 capsule contains 120 mg of hyaluronate. This is enough to satisfy daily needs. You can purchase dietary supplements both in a pharmacy and in an online store. The cost of the drug (30 capsules) is 2000 rubles. Among the disadvantages are the large size of the tablets, which are difficult to swallow.



A German pharmaceutical company produces dietary supplements that have a rejuvenating and healing effect on the body. This drug is positioned as a multivitamin. Take the lifting complex once a day with meals, drinking plenty of water. The duration of the course is 30 days, after which a 2-week break is required. The cost of tablets is 500–800 rubles.

Composition of DoppelHerz capsules:

  1. vitamins E and C activate regeneration, destroy free radicals, slow down aging;
  2. selenium, zinc, biotin normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  3. pantothenic acid;
  4. beta-carotene protects against ultraviolet exposure;
  5. maintains water balance.

This beauty supplement from Japan contains vitamins, minerals and hyaluronate. The product has a beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system, vision, mucous membranes, gums, and skin. The release form of KWS is a jar containing 90 capsules of 550 mg each. You need to take the tablets 3 times a day for a month. Among the disadvantages is the high cost. You can purchase an anti-aging product for between 3,000 and 5,000 rubles. You should not count on a lower price: most likely, it will turn out to be a fake.

Features of taking tablets with hyaluronic acid

Taking pills has a number of features. Don't forget about contraindications. It is important to adhere to the following tips:

  1. An additional source of vitamin C improves the absorption of the drug. It is advisable to take dietary supplements simultaneously with orange juice.
  2. Drink at least 3 liters of water per day. Otherwise, the drug may be harmful.
  3. Complete the course according to the instructions and be sure to take a break. Otherwise, the body will “relax” and stop releasing this substance on its own.
  4. Due to the fact that hyaluronate accumulates in the body, it acts for a long time.

Promised results

Unlike injections, granules do not provide immediate results. Regular use of hyaluronic acid tablets is necessary to get the first results. Effects that manufacturers promise:

  1. even skin tone;
  2. moisturized epidermis;
  3. improved condition of the musculoskeletal system;
  4. disappearance of peeling, swelling, burning;
  5. reducing the depth of wrinkles;
  6. disappearance of acne;
  7. healthy mucous membranes.


Contraindications for use

Hyaluronic acid in tablets has a number of contraindications. This drug should not be taken:

  1. in case of individual intolerance to ingredients;
  2. during pregnancy and lactation;
  3. for allergies;
  4. with increased blood clotting;
  5. for autoimmune diseases.



Elizaveta, 34 years old I read on the Internet about tablets containing hyaluronic acid. I used to think that this substance was only produced in the form of injections or as part of cosmetic products. I ordered the Solgar dietary supplement. I haven’t seen any noticeable effects yet: I’ve only been taking the drug for 1 month. According to the manufacturer, the first result will be no earlier than 90 days.

Margarita, 40 years old I am meticulous about my health and before using anything, I study a lot of information. Among the latest innovations, I was interested in tablets with hyaluronate. After reading scientific articles (not reviews!) about hyaluronic acid, I did not find evidence that these treatment complexes smooth out wrinkles. I decided not to drink these dietary supplements, but to try the serum.

Valentina, 31 years old At the same time, my friend and I started taking Laura tablets from Evalar. After some time, my skin became tight and rough, especially in the area of ​​​​the feet and elbows. I drink a lot of water, so I don’t know why. My friend does not have this effect: her skin tone has become even, facial wrinkles have disappeared.