Is it possible to sunbathe with psoriasis in the sun?

For some patients with scaly lichen, the sun's rays have a pronounced therapeutic effect, for others they are a powerful provocateur that aggravates skin manifestations. Therefore, there is no clear answer to the question of whether it is possible to sunbathe with psoriasis.

To decide on the advisability of using sunbathing, the form of the psoriatic process, the stage of its development, the individual characteristics of the body, and the chemical characteristics of the drugs used are assessed.

Psoriasis and the sea

The powerful effect of the physical factors of the coast - sunlight, sea air, salt water - has a healing effect on most patients with psoriasis.

Sea water has a unique structure, similar in many parameters to the composition of human plasma. Dissolved mineral ions give it a weak alkaline reaction and high electrical conductivity.


  1. Sodium chloride - salt - is present in sea water in the same percentage as in the physiological fluids of the human body. When swimming in the sea, the acid-base balance of the skin is normalized, promoting the rejection of scales, softening, cleansing and disinfecting psoriatic plaques.
  2. Potassium controls cellular water-salt balance, eliminates swelling, and participates in epidermal nutrition and cleansing.
  3. Calcium ions resist depression, improve sleep, and participate in regenerative processes.
  4. Magnesium exhibits anti-allergenic properties, extinguishes nervousness, and is responsible for cellular metabolism.
  5. Iodine regulates hormonal balance, strengthens the nervous system, and rejuvenates epidermal cells.
  6. Sulfur restores the upper stratum corneum of the skin and has a pronounced antimicrobial effect.

The therapeutic effect of sea water lasts only for the duration of immersion in it, since ions of beneficial mineral substances have a positive effect on the skin only in the form of a saline solution.

On dried skin, sea water salts remaining on the surface act as irritants, dehydrating epidermal cells and increasing the risk of sunburn.

Treatment of psoriasis is practiced in sanatoriums on the Black Sea coast (Crimea, Krasnodar Territory, Bulgaria), the Adriatic (Slovenia), and the Dead Sea. Staying at these resorts does not guarantee complete healing, but it allows you to extend the period of remission for a year or more.

Is it possible to sunbathe with psoriasis in the sun?

The answer to this question directly depends on the leading factor that led to the development of the disease.


  1. Psoriasis as a consequence of autoimmune aggression - according to statistics, five out of a hundred patients have a photosensitivity form of the disease, the triggering factor for exacerbation of which is ultraviolet radiation. In response to exposure to sunlight, the course of the pathology worsens: the affected area increases, and the symptoms increase.
  2. Metabolic disorders that lead to psoriatic manifestations are a direct indication for sun tanning. Ultraviolet rays stimulate metabolic processes in epidermal cells and activate regeneration mechanisms.
  3. If the trigger for the onset of the disease was stress, the disease is psychosomatic in nature. In these cases, sunbathing, in addition to affecting psoriatic plaques, helps strengthen the nervous system and acts as a natural antidepressant.

The benefits and harms of ultraviolet radiation for psoriatic disease

The complex positive effects of sun rays on skin cells include:


  1. stimulation of protective mechanisms, increasing local skin immunity;
  2. destruction of pathogenic microflora that threatens the development of secondary infection of psoriatic plaques;
  3. activation of regeneration processes in epidermal tissues;
  4. inducing cellular metabolism: enhancing nutrition and respiration, removing metabolic products;
  5. saturating the body with vitamin D, necessary for plaque healing;
  6. increasing the production of neurotransmitters - endorphin, dopamine, serotonin - “hormones of pleasure and joy”, responsible for creating a positive mood.

In psoriasis, the external influence of ultraviolet radiation is expressed in a decrease in exfoliation, subsidence of itching, irritation, inflammation, inhibition of the formation of new skin pathological elements, and stabilization of nervous activity.

To get the maximum beneficial effect on the skin, it is enough to sunbathe for no more than a quarter of an hour daily.

Uncontrolled tanning under direct ultraviolet rays poses a danger to the health of the skin and other organs:

  1. premature aging of the skin occurs - the drying effect of active sunlight thins the dermis, it loses its firmness and elasticity, and forms wrinkles;
  2. sunburn of varying severity is a powerful provocateur of the occurrence of oncological tumors and malignancy of benign ones;
  3. burns of the eyelids, corneas, and retinas lead to a significant decrease in visual acuity, up to its complete loss;
  4. large doses of sun tanning deplete the immune system, the body becomes susceptible to attacks from herpetic, bacterial, and fungal infections.

The negative effects of ultraviolet radiation are neutralized by using sunscreen and following safe tanning rules.

Rules for sunbathing

To avoid unpleasant consequences and pathological complications of exposure to solar energy, follow the rules of safe tanning.


  1. The question of the advisability of sunbathing is decided by the attending dermatologist, who develops individual recommendations for each patient.
  2. They sunbathe at certain hours: before 11 am or after 4 pm. During periods of greatest solar activity - from 12 to 15 o'clock - skin affected by psoriasis is covered with clothing, even if they are in the shade.
  3. The first sunbathing procedures - at the beginning of the season or in the first days at sea - are carried out in the shade, and only then tanning under direct ultraviolet rays.
  4. Experts recommend starting with five-minute sessions, gradually increasing the duration of the procedure day by day by five to seven minutes.
  5. The maximum time of continuous exposure to the sun is usually from 30 minutes to three quarters of an hour.
  6. Do not sunbathe on an empty stomach or immediately after eating: it is preferable to sunbathe an hour and a half after eating.
  7. On tanning days, maintain an appropriate drinking regimen: drink up to two to three liters of clean drinking water.
  8. To obtain a full therapeutic effect, adhere to an appropriate diet and use recommended medications.
  9. Daily monitoring of the condition of psoriasis-affected areas allows you to assess how tanning affects the skin and make the necessary adjustments.

Contraindications for tanning

Restrictions on sunbathing are:


  1. autoimmune photosensitivity form of the disease;
  2. acute period of illness;
  3. malignant course of psoriasis;
  4. use of certain medications:
  1. hormonal local or general remedies;
  2. local external shampoos, creams and ointments containing tar;
  3. antibiotics and sulfonamides;
  4. hypoglycemic drugs;
  5. antidepressants and tranquilizers;
  6. oral hormonal contraceptives.

Avoiding prolonged exposure to the sun is recommended for people of the first phototype: light-eyed blonds, whose skin does not tan, but immediately gets sunburned;

The question of the advisability of using sunbathing for psoriasis is decided in each specific case by the attending physician.

Sun rays are an effective component of complex treatment for most patients with psoriasis, providing positive dynamics provided that their natural power is used correctly.

Psoriasis and the sun is a problem that concerns many patients suffering from skin disease. During the summer holidays, it is difficult to find a person who will refuse a relaxing holiday on the seaside, and therefore the question of whether it is possible to sunbathe with psoriasis becomes extremely relevant.
In most cases, it is during the summer season that the skin condition of people suffering from this disease improves significantly. The use of sunbathing for psoriasis has a positive effect on the affected areas of the epidermis, drying out the rashes. But sometimes the sun can cause the opposite effect. In order for a summer tan to bring only benefits, you need to remember the basic rules of behavior while sunbathing.

Compatibility of sun rays and psoriasis

As medical practice shows, many people with psoriasis experience a significant improvement in the condition of the affected skin in the summer, which is explained by the drying out of plaques and the disappearance of problems such as rashes and itching.

In the most common cases, positive changes are ensured by the action of salt water and warm sunlight. Therefore, sunbathing is strongly recommended for every patient diagnosed with a dermatological disease.

Ultraviolet light is useful because the tanned epidermis has increased regeneration abilities, due to which ulcers and psoriatic rashes become almost invisible. Thanks to ultraviolet exposure, the development of many pathological processes affecting the epidermis is inhibited.

Benefits of the sun for skin diseases

The sun for psoriasis has a positive effect on the condition of the affected areas of the skin. The following changes occur due to exposure to sunlight:

  1. the level of immunity increases and the body’s protective resources are strengthened;
  2. the sun accelerates regenerative processes in the tissues of the epidermis;
  3. thanks to the rays of the sun, itching and redness are eliminated;
  4. further development of psoriasis is inhibited;
  5. the size, number and severity of psoriatic rashes decrease.

Dermatologists recommend sunbathing for any type of pathological process, as this promotes stable and long-term remission of the skin disease.

Safe tanning rules

In order for exposure to the sun to bring the expected therapeutic effect, you must follow several basic rules for safe tanning. These recommendations will help speed up the healing process, avoid skin burns, which means that you can be in the sun without fear.

  1. Doctors advise not to overdo your time on the sunny beach - procedures should begin with 5 minutes, gradually increasing this time.
  2. For safe tanning, it is recommended to visit the beach at certain hours - before 11 a.m. and from 4 p.m.
  3. You will not be able to sunbathe between 12 and 16 hours, as this is strictly not recommended.
  4. The skin must be protected with specially selected sunscreens.
  5. When answering the question whether it is possible to sunbathe with psoriasis in the sun, doctors emphasize that this is best done in the shade.

Using sunscreen

When sunbathing, a mandatory rule is to use special preparations with a UV filter. This is necessary during the period of remission, since during exacerbation of psoriasis, sunbathing can only be done with the permission of the attending physician and with extreme caution. The use of psoriasis remedies reliably protects the inflamed epidermis from the aggressive effects of ultraviolet radiation and accelerates regeneration processes.

The modern cosmetic and pharmacological market offers a huge number of sunscreens, ointments and creams that contain zinc pyrithione. Among the best products is Skin-Cap, which is produced in the form of a cream and an aerosol. It perfectly moisturizes the skin after sun treatments, relieves inflammation and activates recovery. In such cases, you can be in the sun without fear.

Sea and psoriasis

Is the sea allowed for psoriasis? This is the question that people turn to dermatologists with. And the doctors answer in the affirmative. Swimming in the sea is not only permitted, but also strongly recommended.

Sea water in its composition is very similar to human plasma, so it brings only beneficial effects. Its benefits include disinfecting the skin, reducing rashes and discomfort, and activating the epidermal restoration process.

Treatment of psoriasis at sea is often carried out in special water and mud baths, aimed directly at patients with psoriasis. Such medical institutions are located in Russia, Bulgaria, Slovenia, and Israel. They offer a wide range of different procedures aimed at eliminating not only the symptoms, but also the cause of the disease.

When is the sun bad for your skin?

Treatment with sea water and sunlight promotes rapid healing of psoriatic rashes and elimination of the inflammatory process. But, despite all its advantages, in some cases such treatment of the disease is not used. It is for this reason that visiting the sea coast is permitted only after consultation with your doctor.

  1. period of exacerbation of the disease;
  2. severe form of pathology;
  3. use of hormonal drugs.

Sun rays or solarium?

In winter, sunbathing can be successfully replaced with a solarium. It has similar beneficial properties - strengthens the immune system, accelerates the healing of wounds and ulcers, stimulates regeneration processes in the deep layers of the epidermis.

Visiting a solarium with psoriasis is allowed, but subject to certain rules:

  1. The duration of an artificial tanning session should not exceed 5-7 minutes.
  2. The use of sunscreen is necessary.
  3. The best option for patients with this disease is a vertical solarium.

Before visiting a solarium, be sure to consult with your doctor, as in some cases patients have contraindications to such procedures.

Doctors' opinions and patient reviews

Many patients suffering from dermatological diseases respond positively to ultraviolet radiation treatment. Here are some reviews:

Doctors are also positive about sunbathing in the treatment of psoriasis. But they emphasize that ultraviolet radiation alone will not bring quick positive results. Treatment must be comprehensive and properly selected. And only in this case can you get rid of the disease and restore skin health.

Dear readers! What do you think about sunbathing treatment for psoriasis? Share your opinions and tips on social media pages and subscribe to our articles!

This article has exclusively educational, encyclopedic and informational functions. It is necessary to obtain the approval of your physician before using the tips and recommendations described in this article. You should not self-medicate!

Is it possible to go to a solarium or lie in the sun if you have skin diseases?

It should be immediately noted that for the majority of patients suffering from atopic dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis, remission occurs precisely in the warm season. Therefore, they are interested in whether it is possible to visit a solarium for psoriasis during the autumn-winter season in order to accelerate the onset of the regressive stage of the disease?

There is no clear answer. However, the fact remains that in most cases, psoriasis recedes in the summer.

Today, two methods are used to treat skin diseases:

  1. sun treatment;
  2. solarium for psoriasis.

The basic therapeutic factor in both methods, of course, is ultraviolet light. Its effect is clearly manifested on the surface of the skin and is expressed by greater or lesser redness, which subsequently turns into hyperpigmentation - tanning in psoriasis.

But in parallel there are a number of other important changes. They can have both positive and negative consequences for the body. Therefore, treatment of psoriasis with heliotherapy should be rational and can only be prescribed by the attending physician.

Psoriasis and the sun: how do its rays work?

Correctly selected dose of ultraviolet radiation:

  1. speeds up metabolism;
  2. has a tonic effect on the nervous system;
  3. provokes the production of vitamin D in the body;
  4. has a beneficial effect on the blood count;
  5. activates immunobiological reactions.

Ultraviolet light is not able to penetrate the lower layers of the skin. Complete absorption occurs already at a depth of 0.1 mm. But the therapeutic benefits are more than just significant. The reflex mechanism of action of rays affects receptors, of which there are so many in the skin. Therefore, heliotherapy is used in the treatment of a huge range of diseases.

Amazing results can be achieved if you use an effective solid oil product together with sunbathing.

Psoriasis and the sun: safety comes first

Heliotherapy requires maximum caution. By crossing the boundaries of what is permissible, instead of benefit, you will get an aggravation of not only the process, but also the general condition.

And we must not forget that if you have a summer form of psoriasis, sunbathing and visiting a solarium are contraindicated for you.

Treatment of psoriasis with ultraviolet light should begin with procedures lasting 2-3 minutes. Every day, 3-5 minutes are added to the time spent in the open sun. By the end of the course of 20-30 irradiations, the duration of the procedures is gradually increased to half an hour. At the end of the session, taking air baths (10-15 minutes) is useful.

List of contraindications

Sun treatment should not be used:

  1. if a skin disease (psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, eczema) has entered the progress stage;
  2. in case of exacerbation of the pulmonary form of tuberculosis (if the patient has tuberculosis lesions of other organs, before visiting the solarium, you must consult with your doctor);
  3. when the patient suffers from increased excitability of the nervous system;
  4. in old age;
  5. if the patient suffers from persistent headaches, dizziness, nausea and vomiting;
  6. for diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  7. in case of increased photosensitivity.

It is also necessary to take into account that sometimes the best solution is to go to the seas. There, tanning treatment for psoriasis can be successfully combined with air baths and water procedures.

Treatment of psoriasis with ultraviolet light

Sources of artificial ultraviolet radiation in solariums are mercury-quartz lamps. Before you start receiving the procedure, check whether their service life has expired. And be extremely careful. Otherwise, harmless grease ointment may not help you and, to get rid of the rash, you will have to use dangerous hormonal creams.

Local and general types of irradiation are prescribed. Recommended suberythemal doses are used. The first sessions are very short, since the patient may have increased sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation. After the first visits to the solarium with minimal doses of radiation, you will not notice severe redness. However, do not be discouraged, the effect of tanning for psoriasis will definitely appear after a few sessions.

The list of contraindications to artificial ultraviolet light is the same as for phototherapy under natural rays. But the effect on the body of these two methods of treating psoriasis cannot be equated. This is precisely what explains the lack of desired results in a whole group of patients with the autumn-winter form of the disease. If the living rays of the sun have a beneficial effect on their skin, then artificial radiation has no effect.

Is it possible to go to the solarium while using grease ointment?

This is one of the most frequently asked questions, and the answer is simple - these two types of therapy can be combined. It is better to reschedule a visit to the solarium in the morning or afternoon, and apply grease ointment (for example, Akrustal) in the evening before going to bed. The main thing is not to forget that:

  1. such combination treatment can only be used in the stationary stage;
  2. The use of tanning creams is not allowed - they are additional allergens;
  3. It is contraindicated to go to the solarium if oil acne appears due to blockage of the hair follicles.