Pressure gauge Electric

An electric pressure gauge is a device that is used to measure pressure in various systems and devices. It works on the principle that electrical resistance changes with pressure changes.

The operating principle of an electric pressure gauge is based on the use of electrical resistance of conductors that are under pressure. As pressure changes, the resistance of the conductors changes, resulting in a change in the electrical signal. This signal is then transmitted to a measuring instrument where it is converted into pressure values.

Electric pressure gauges can be used to measure the pressure of gas, liquid or air. They are widely used in various industries, such as oil production, chemical industry, construction materials production, etc.

One of the main advantages of electric pressure gauges is their accuracy and reliability. They allow you to measure pressure with high accuracy and stability, which is especially important in production conditions. In addition, electric pressure gauges have a compact size and light weight, which makes them convenient for use in various conditions.

However, like any other measuring device, electric pressure gauges also have their drawbacks. For example, they may be sensitive to electromagnetic interference and require special grounding. Also, for proper operation of pressure gauges, certain operating conditions must be observed, such as ambient temperature and humidity.

Overall, electric pressure gauges are reliable and accurate pressure measuring instruments that are widely used in various industries. They have a number of advantages over other types of pressure gauges, such as compactness, ease of use and high measurement accuracy.


A pressure gauge is a device that is used to measure pressure in various systems and processes. There are many different types of pressure gauges, including mechanical, hydraulic and electrical. In this article, we will focus on the electric pressure gauge and look at its operating principle, features and advantages.

An electric pressure gauge is a device that measures pressure based on changes in electrical signals. It is based on the use of a law that establishes the relationship between pressure and electrical resistance. When the pressure changes, the resistance inside the pressure gauge also changes, causing the electrical signal to change.

The advantages of an electric pressure gauge include measurement accuracy and ease of use. It provides more stable measurement results compared to mechanical pressure gauges, as it is not affected by vibrations and other external factors. In addition, the electric pressure gauge can be easily integrated into an automatic monitoring and control system due to its electrical nature.

One common application of an electric pressure gauge is its use in industrial processes and control systems. For example, it can be installed in a heating system to measure water or steam pressure. It also finds application in the chemical industry, oil and gas industry, food industry and other areas where accurate pressure measurement is an important process parameter.

It is important to note that electric pressure gauges offer a variety of measurement ranges, allowing you to select the appropriate pressure gauge for your specific application. They can also be made in a variety of shapes and sizes, including portable and stationary options, to suit the needs of various applications.

In conclusion, an electric pressure gauge is a reliable and accurate tool for measuring pressure in various systems and processes. Its electrical nature ensures consistent results and ease of use. With a wide range of applications and a variety of available models, an electric pressure gauge can be an effective monitoring and control tool in a variety of industries.