Gamma Efferents

Gamma efferent neuron is a type of effector cell in the central nervous system that transmits signals from motor neurons in the spinal cord to the muscles. These neurons contract muscles, coordinate movements, and control motor activity in skeletal muscles.

Gamma efferents (from the Latin afferens - “bringing” [neuroanatomy]) are a set of neurons of the efferent (output) motor system of the spinal cord or brain of humans and vertebrates that excite muscle spindles or synapses from interneurons (interneurons) of another efferent-motor system . The purpose of gamma neurons is to maintain the constancy of reflex relationships between the measured parts of the reflex arc. When regulating posture and motor acts, involuntary oscillatory or slow periodic contractions of muscle spindles occur, caused by gamma nerves with any change in function, i.e. γ-cycle. These weak periodic impulses control the heart rate and the normal rhythm of sleep and wakefulness.